Brain Dump #2 - Framework for Balance of Power

Posting to contribute to the overall consideration:

This is a PDF about the results of a group that explored getting work done in the absence of hierarchies, and what they learned. 7 principles that are valuable at the end.

Economics of pirates:

Quartermaster edition:

Captain edition:

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Not wrong about how much there is to learn.
I do like the idea of mentoring to educate people into more complex roles. This also allows for sustainability in the long term.
In agreement about L0 and L1 either not knowing much, myself included, or not interested in governance. Most organisations that I have been involved in struggle to get quorum at meetings (do we have a minimum number of people that need to vote on a proposal or for L2/L3 members?


So move from a caste to permissions framework. Niiiiice.

Will look at this later.

Check out this

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I like the domains and the circles.

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Holacracy is great. I was part of a organization that implemented components of it, and the CEO of that org has since gone into coaching. He has been pretty involved in some decentralized orgs, and coaches a VP of blockfi.

We could set up a call with him to advice on organizational design, although we would need to compensate him after the first call.

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Interesting. Seems way too early to me to worry about this now. Work product should come first before theoretical governance debates as no one really knows what will be produced or done. 2-4 weeks or months things may/will look very different.

P.S. there will always be leaders created over time and value – holocracy has essentially been a debacle in Zappos despite incredible effort.

I don’t think holocracy per se is what will happen with a DAO.

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The distribution is perfectly fair