I’ll chime in here as someone who purchased their 35k $BANK. I was planning on joining on substack and simply forgot to do so in time. Once I saw the creation of the DAO and what they had going on, I recognized that this was the community that I was looking for in the crypto world. The pull was strong, just as it was when I stumbled into the Burning Man community IRL 8 years ago. The openness, the willingness to share talents, the supporting of each other in our own and joint efforts reminds me so much of the Burners that I knew I’d found the right place. That is what convinced me that it was worth selling off some ETH. I do believe that people value what they pay for. They need skin in the game, and I put mine in because I saw the value.
All that to simply say, I didn’t buy $BANK as a store of money, nor to pad my portfolio. Have their been times when I thought it would be nice if $BANK went to the moon? Sure. If it every hit $100 I’d be super happy and probably buy the most expensive bottle of bourbon I could find to celebrate.
BUT, (there is always a but)
I realized early on that if $BANK goes up too much, it becomes that much harder for those that may not be as fortunate as I to be able to join us in trying to change the world, and we need as much help as we can get. To sound overly dramatic (because I am sometimes), we have an opportunity here to upend one of the longest standing, entrenched, and corrupt systems in the world - the financial system. It is rigged in favor those who already have more than they could ever need, at the expense of those that just want to have a place to live, be able to pay their bills, and not have empty their savings if their kid ends up in the hospital. To put it nicely, WE ARE AT WAR, and our foe holds vast resources. We need all the fucking help we can get.
So what is my point?
How do we create something of value, that people can invest in knowing that it will appreciate over time? I mean, that’s what builds wealth right?
That kind of leaves us with only two paths. $BANK goes up, some of us are happy, and we become more exclusive. $BANK goes down, we have wider doors, but less incentive to invest.
Can’t we find a 3rd, 4th, or nth path?
What can we create that helps us bring people into the community, and not price them out? Maybe create another token that could be used for farming or investing in defi, or creating our own ECF (Electronic Crypto Fund), or something entirely unthought of… We have so much brain power in the DAO that we can figure this out! Defi is creating all kinds of ways to experiment with money that could never be done before. Let’s do more of that, and find ways to share that wealth. WE CAN BE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.
Sigh. I feel like I left more things unanswered than answered.
I’ll now step off my soapbox.