Thank you @frogmonkee for this write-up. For new people like myself, this was a very informative post and gave me some history on what happened (and how it has happened) over the last 6 months.
I can offer my perspective as a Guest Pass, and somebody that has been involved in this DAO for just a few days.
This is the first DAO I joined where I see myself wanting to actually contribute - I did a few experiments before in other DAOs but I ended up leaving those communities almost immediately. My background is in management consulting and one of the reasons for me to join Bankless was specifically linked to the Bankless Consultancy project that we are trying to get off the ground under @RunTheJewelz’s lead. I was glad to see in your post that such an initiative is very much in-line with the direction the DAO wants to take.
Because I am a new member, and one that is still not contributing to the community to the extent I’d love to, my view on your Q1 is probably very different from yours. Having worked in a corporate setting for almost 20 years (and counting…), the enthusiasm, helpfulness and sense of belonging I have experienced in this DAO just over the last few days is truly a breath of fresh air. I am eager to get more involved - if anything, one thing we should improve is to possibly make it easier for motivated new members to get stuck in.
The identification of three separate workstreams (FoH, BoH and MP) makes a lot of sense to me. These three areas are all (equally?) important to the long-term success of this DAO’s mission, so attention must be given to all of those priorities. Over the last couple of days I have been thinking we may be biting more than we can possibly chew here. The DAO is full of initiatives but a clear steer seems non-existent. Perhaps this is how a DAO is supposed to work (after all, I’m probably not the best person to give “Ways of Working advice” here) but this is something that I’ve been seeing as a red flag at this stage and I thought I’d share it…
On funding, I agree that budgetary indications must be provided. I would think the percentage apportioned for Membership Perks should be more significant. I would imagine we actually do want to encourage people active in Bankless to buy and hold the token, so strategic thought must be given to create ways for members to find this HODLing valuable. The whole web3 idea is based on incentives alignment: if we are not “voting with our wallets” by holding $BANK then I think we are missing an opportunity. Again… I’m new here, so forgive me if what I say makes no sense to you!
Ideas are everywhere, but execution is what separates success from failure. I strongly agree with you on Q4: the stronger the team, the more likely they will be able to pull the idea off, the more revenue/value/impact will be generated for the BanklessDAO. This seems obvious to me. Vetting the idea is not nearly as important as vetting the team.
I am looking forward to seeing how, as a collective, we will be able to shape our future and structure ourselves in a more sustainable and productive way. Please don’t take some of the points I mentioned above as criticism: this is simply a reflection based on my experience (admittedly short so far) as a fresh member of this fantastic community. I hope some of these considerations could be helpful.
Thank you!