Brain Dump #6 - Picking and Choosing Our Battles

Great post as always Frog.

I want to double-click on the prioritization efforts. I think this should be our main goal in Season 3. There’s too much going on now that the community is getting spread thin across different things. We’re 10x more powerful when the entire community is focused on 10 things rather than 100.

One thing I’m seeing from the GC is that there’s becoming more and more overlap between projects. The first that comes to mind is that we’ve seen multiple projects that could fall under Bankless Academy, etc. It’s becoming an inefficient allocation of resources imo.

We’ve had ~6 months to bootstrap a handful of projects–a lot of them are successful.

I think now it’s time we double down on those successful projects and put the full weight of the DAO behind them. This will allow us to align ourselves behind these core projects and ensure that there’s sufficient talent, retention, etc. behind them. People would get onboarded into the DAO and rather than getting firehosed, they get a clear list of “this is what we’re working on and where we need help with this”.

To @samanthaj’s point, I think this is also a great opportunity to shift CCs to less firehose-y and more focused on certain projects week over week.

How do we do this?

The biggest question we need to answer is how to determine which projects should be prioritized and how many?

I think this could be a unique opportunity for us to leverage a Mirror Token Race to determine the projects we want to prioritize on a Season by Season basis.
Each project would enter the race with a brief proposal (What it is, how much they need, etc.) and then BANK holders would vote on which projects they think should qualify. The top X projects by BANK voted would qualify for direct funding in that particular Season.

We have a Mirror account and could get this setup in a few hours. Just my two cents here.

I have some other thoughts but don’t want to flood this thread with another wall of text.

Tl;dr: I fully agree – let’s double down on the things that are working and be more intentional with what we’re driving attention, talent, funding, etc. towards moving forward :slight_smile: