[Community Vote] Season 6

Thanks for getting this community vote out, it’s very important to understand the sentiment of the community.

How do we decide what gets voted on in these votes? I’m a bit surprised at some of the questions.

  • Why do we vote on L1 and Whale thresholds every season? It doesn’t seem like there is much impetus to change these specific thresholds, the previous community votes have always kept them the same
  • Why are we voting on season length again? We voted in the past and decided as a community, and there has been no discussion on changing season lengths since then as far as I can see.
  • Why are we voting on 2-tranche funding? I have not seen any discussion about this on the forum or jokeDAO. I also think that the authority to disburse project funds has already been given by the community to Grants Committee, so asking this seems to step on this groups authority and responsibilities

In addition to the above, I feel there are some big pieces of missing information that I need before I can vote.

  • what were the results of the OtterSpace pilot? Was it considered a success? What lessons did we learn? What are potential stumbling blocks to roll this out at the whole DAO level?

I have other questions , but perhaps you can answer these questions @0xZFi.eth ?