TEMP CHECK - Sybil Resistant Forum

I just want to elaborate a little bit more on what Metaforo can do to prevent Sybil attacks. Metaforo incorporates robust protection mechanisms, ensuring a secure and trustworthy governance process both before and after the voting process.

Preventing Sybil Attacks Before Voting:

Secure Member Registration:
Metaforo empowers administrators to enforce specific criteria for member registration.
Users are required to hold a certain amount of BANK tokens or possess a designated NFT or POAP to join the forum.
This stringent requirement guarantees that only eligible users with a unique wallet address can participate, effectively thwarting potential Sybil attacks.

Protection During the Governance Process:

Snapshot Strategy for Proposal Voting
Metaforo integrates the Snapshot strategy into the proposal voting mechanism on the forum.
During the voting process, the system meticulously verifies the block height of each user’s assets at the time of casting their vote.
Any user who did not have enough BANK tokens at the time of the voting commencement but acquires additional BANK tokens later in the hope of voting is automatically disqualified from voting.
This proactive measure ensures that only users with the appropriate token holdings at the start of the voting process are eligible to participate, preventing token transfers between members after voting has begun.

Set SBT requirement in Voting
The community establishes the specific SBT requirements for each voting instance.
Only users who possess the designated SBT are granted participation rights in the voting process.
Since SBTs are non-transferable, the integrity of the voting system remains intact, providing a robust defense against potential abuse or manipulation.

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