Ways to make an income at BanklessDAO

I agree with this. I also think Grendel is right.

I’m willing to put this effort at the top of my priority list so that we can get our members taken care of, We’ve put in enough time to know who’s passed the internship stage I’d say.

I would like to implement Coordinape with Contributors being the criteria for receiving Salary (I’d try to set it so they can opt out if they prefer bounties though) We have a month down, so it makes sense to me to vote at the end of the month on the previous month. That would mean Execution should be around 6/4 for Ideal timeline.
With Snapshots planned for Tues, It could be passed on the 4th and implemented same day. (or a week following, but the team would know it’s on the way and alleviate stress)

The amount is always going to be the tricky part, but I propose as follows:

The first month is going to likely be a stand alone value, as by month 2 we may be ready for a more mature system.

Budget: 24 M Bank
Current Contributors eligible for remuneration: 36
Voting weights:
level 1: 100 tokens
level 2: 500 tokens
Voting period: 1 week

Assuming the average member would need at least $4000/Mo, and that the value of bank remains at $.03
Also Ignoring slippage due to low liquidity
That gives us a calculation of
4000 x 5 x .03 = 666,666 Bank/ Contributor
x 36 Contributors = Appx 24M Bank
Obviously that number is too high to be sustainable, but I am of the opinion that those who have contributed thus far have built the foundation upon which the rest of the Dao is going to stand or fall, and they have earned the potential upside if they hold their tokens. For month 2, all numbers should be revisited. However, with current treasury holdings, We could continue at this expenditure rate for about 6 months, and that should be plenty of time for us to molt into a less larval form of remuneration.

Yellow tag contributions shouldn’t be forgotten, but IMO will be in the scope of the Bank bounties (managed by the guilds)