BanklessDAO Incident Report - Governance Sybil Attack

Is it links’ comment you’re referring to as evidence that this was said?
As I have told you before, it’s possible to see what edits have been made to Forum posts and comments. The text about the mulitsig in links’ comment has not been altered, and does not say the multisig was hacked. It says that a hacker changed the multisig address in the documentation on Notion, and that this was the catalyst for changing the way the DAO handled Notion access.

I asked you earlier to articulate why you feel that Notion access is too centralised when we have seven workspace owners in different locations and changes are recorded in an audit trail available to page editors. Instead of providing any kind of credible evidence for your statements you just keep on making them, or as in the case above you misrepresent the evidence to defend your actions.

Whether you have directly slandered me or others - legal definition aside - is secondary to the fact you have made many inferences that core contributors are corrupt and greedy. To play innocent here, and to declare on Twitter that you ‘never impersonated anyone’ is disingenuous to the point of obstruction. If you truly cared about the DAO you would be willing to engage with the details of your concerns rather than blocking or ignoring attempts to examine your claims.