DAO Code Of Conduct Revamp Draft 1.1 - Thoughts

Change - DAO Code Of Conduct Revamp Draft 1.1

NOTE: I made this edit to the Proposal due to neglecting to add clarity as to what we actually WANT to do for the previous proposal. Thank you to @Icedcool for helping me realize that I forgot the actual step I wanted to take.

Affected Levels - DAO Wide

Author - infinitehomie.eth

Editors - minahasnoidea


This is a proposal for a guideline for contributor interactions in BanklessDAO. Due to the global nature of our community, and in the light of recent events WIP - Findings from the data surrounding Season 6 December Coordinape - Google Docs it became apparent that there is a need for a more comprehensive and issue encompassing code of conduct that is in line with our mission, vision and values and which is adaptable enough to account for the diverse and changing nature of our community. .


During the winter holiday it was uncovered that one of our contributors was impersonating other members for personal financial gains.In the light of the investigation that followed, it was discovered that other members were using BanklessDAO devices to fund personal exchanges unrelated to the DAO.

Due to the lack of a proper code of conduct, there were no conclusions that could be drawn in regards to the type of consequences those members should face. The issue concerning the member impersonating other members is currently being looked into by a team that took the initiative and is conducting a DAO wide sentiment check on this situation.

Hopefully, this will set a precedent.

However, it was noted that our current code of conduct found in the Constitution BanklessDAO Constitution & Handbook - Google Docs does not account for proven malicious actions against our community and does not provide any clear repercussions for bad faith actors. For clarity; I have copied the current code of conduct found in the bankless DAO constitution below:

Code of Conduct (EDIT: current bankless dao code of conduct found in the constitution)

Every member of the BanklessDAO community is expected and is responsible to treat others with respect and dignity. We are a globally distributed community representing numerous cultures, languages, and time zones. It’s our highest priority to be the most welcoming and inviting onboarding experience for Web3. To this end, we encourage any conflict to first be broached between involved persons. If this does not resolve the matter we encourage team champions or guild coordinators to help resolve the conflict. If this still doesn’t resolve the matter, parties are encouraged to approach the Ombuds office to help resolve the dispute. Our unity and internal cohesion are essential prerequisites to accomplishing our mission.

EDIT: The Above Code of Conduct , while being a fantastic start to building a code of conduct for the DAO, leaves more questions about bad actors, than answers.

This is especially concerning, given our main mission of onboarding safely and securely a billion people in Web3.

NOTE: This Section Below is what I have added to the previous Proposal.


We want to Propose an expansion of the code of conduct to deal with bad actors, while balancing the importance of remaining decentralized in the ecosystem.

We want to do so by adding information on to the Code of Conduct that Covers spaces where DAO contributors can interact with one another, a more succinct conduct guideline to abide by, and a decision making process should bad actors arise. Below are the additions that we can propose initially to the code of conduct.

What We Would like to add:

Due to the nature of this space the validity of this code of conduct should extend but not be limited to the following digital spaces:

  • Discord
  • Notion
  • Dework
  • Figma
  • Miro

In exceptional cases in which real life interaction is facilitated between the members in the context of DAO related activities, the validity of the code of conduct should be maintained.

Mutual respect is encouraged between contributors. Due to the multicultural and diverse nature of the space we are building, misunderstandings, disagreements and conflicts are to be expected as occurring phenomena. However, there is a line to be drawn in regards to the following behaviours.

  • Threats and acts of violence towards another contributor
    • Violence definition can be found here - Violence - Google Search
    • Violence is defined by the World Health Organization in the WRVH as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment
  • Vulgar comments towards contributors pertaining to sex, or nudity
  • Discrimination based on one’s immutable characteristics (sex, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, age, neurodiversity, or disability)

As a contributor, you are expected to, and responsible for treating others with respect.

Contributors are expected to behave in a manner that acts in good faith of other contributors. Instances of

  • Fraud
  • Theft,
  • Embezzlement
  • Impersonation
  • Abuse of DAO status or held role
  • Abuse of influence

are not aligned with the mission of BanklessDAO. These instances can potentially open the DAO to severe issues in the Web3 ecosystem.

In order to keep developing the idea of a comprehensive code of conduct, this proposal welcomes criticism and ideas from different levels of contributors in the DAO. BanklessDAO strives to be a community that can comfortably incubate ideas of all kinds to better promote the mission of the DAO. We welcome all ideas for evaluation and deeper understanding.

Disagreements stemming from such ideas can happen. Disagreements should be focused on the issue at hand , rather than the person addressing it. .

Should conflict arise, members are encouraged to first attempt to resolve the conflict in a respectful manner. Should the conflict not be resolved at this point, we encourage contributors to reach out to the governance related role holders.These members could be Project Champions, Guild Coordinators, or Governance Coordinators. Should further resolution be needed, contributors can reach out to the Ombuds Office to mediate in the matter.


Should a member admit to fraud, embezzlement, theft, or wrongdoing of a legal nature, a member from Ombuds should the matter with the suspected party. Should there either be evidence of serious wrongdoing, or an admission of wrongdoing, the member will be subject to possible removal from the DAO, all statuses removed, and the wallet address red flagged, depending exactly on the nature of the offense. This final decision will be left to the DAO, Legal Guild, Ops Deparment, or Governance Deparment.


This DAO Code of Conduct will potentially move forward to influence the entire DAO. It is important that we all have a say in how this is created and how we should go forward.


  • obtain input from DAO for Draft 2
  • obtain consensus on who will make decisions on code of conduct violations
  • create oversight for code or conduct, or work with ombuds to create oversight for code of conduct.

Should we Enact this Change in the DAO Code of Conduct?

  • YES
  • NO
  • I have a suggestion that I would like to add in the comments section
0 voters
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I appreciate the sentiment and work put towards expansion of the Code of Conduct. I can’t vote yes for this version though.

Under ’ What We Would like to add:", it’s not clear which parts of the text you are proposing to add. Is the following text part of the proposed update? It seems to pertain to this proposal rather than the Constitution, but is followed by more text that seems intended for the Constitution.

In order to keep developing the idea of a comprehensive code of conduct, this proposal welcomes criticism and ideas from different levels of contributors in the DAO. BanklessDAO strives to be a community that can comfortably incubate ideas of all kinds to better promote the mission of the DAO. We welcome all ideas for evaluation and deeper understanding.

I agree in principle but there are many copy edits I would like to make to the proposed text to increase the clarity and polish the message.



I appreciate this.

The goal of this proposal is to obtain the clarity needed to polish said conduct. I noticed that I left the word “proposal” after “what we would like to add” however, the quoted remarks is indeed, what we would like to add to the current code of conduct.

The more input we receive to improve the conduct the better. Input on ‘clarity’ is also important. So I do thank you for reading and making your addition!

Note, on the same precedent. If you have an interest on whether the code of conduct itself (see below)

Every member of the BanklessDAO community is expected and is responsible to treat others with respect and dignity. We are a globally distributed community representing numerous cultures, languages, and time zones. It’s our highest priority to be the most welcoming and inviting onboarding experience for Web3. To this end, we encourage any conflict to first be broached between involved persons. If this does not resolve the matter we encourage team champions or guild coordinators to help resolve the conflict. If this still doesn’t resolve the matter, parties are encouraged to approach the Ombuds office to help resolve the dispute. Our unity and internal cohesion are essential prerequisites to accomplishing our mission.

needs edits, additions, and suggestion. i welcome those suggestions as well.

i would say this is a cheeky way to shed light on the fact our current code of conduct as a DAO needs a bit more color added to it.

appreciate you :slight_smile: thank you for your input.

Not written using the bdip template

If you have a suggestion, a link, a productive comment, anything that helps towards building a code of conduct that would be amazing.

Thank you.

Use suggestions that are actually beneficial to the goals and task at hand.

Use suggestions that will actually HELP the community.

Use comments that can help the community move forward.

I think, to Ernest’s point, that in its current form this is not a formal proposal and should probably not be labeled as bDIP.

It should either be a formal bDIP proposal, written using the template and numbered accordingly, or it should be in the General category as a discussion. The fact that there was a need to post a revised version of the first post very soon after it was posted indicates to me that there was not enough community input and consensus sought before posting to the Forum.

Gathering input and agreement through Discord discussion, or posting on the Forum as a request for feedback, would be a better interim step while you develop the preferred text for the proposed bDIP update to the Constitution.


Appreciate the point.

I made it clear that the next step would be another draft.

I also put this in discord. Which can sometimes be a bit of an echo chamber.

So when I ask for input I am more of one to believe the most justified (and transparent) way to get input, to get suggestions, and to keep building is to do so in public.

We build on public and we grow in public because we want decisions to not be made in discord echo chambers, but on the main stage.

Now of course this is my opinion. Different than yours, different than Ernest’s.

I choose to make my decisions out loud, out in the world, with transparency in mind.

So, with that, i stand by the decision to put this in discourse.

Sure, but it’s not a bDIP.

Fair. That’s just a matter or removing a word.

Empowerment is important.

Let’s empower people to make changes for the good of the community. If they have something they feel needs changing, let’s hope that they’re given the runway to change it.

Sorry - it’s not just the word, it’s the category you posted in as well.
There is a Governance - general category that this would be better placed in, rather than proposals.

Please don’t take the constructive criticism about ways to keep the Forum organised and clear as evidence that I’m not supportive of empowerment, transparency, or community.

Sure… I actually don’t know how to change that tho :thinking:

I’ll fix it, but I stand by my hope for community . And empowerment.

I fixed it! :joy:

So here’s the situation. You can be supportive in a multitude of ways. A person can also show a lack of in other ways as well.

As this is a community that is focused on empowerment and education. We can have differences in how we see the same process, and that would be okay.

You could send a link of the bdip template, and say “you could potentially set the proposal up like this”

And then I would believe that as constructive criticism. Because that has a statement, and a suggestion to solve said statement.

However I,

Can see people say “you did this wrong”

With no suggestion to solve; with no suggestions on how it’s wrong, just, “you did this wrong”

And I could perceive that as not constructive.

I suppose you could say it’s in the eye of the beholder.

when we adopted the constitution midway through season 5 the wording in regards to proposals and in particularly bdips was agreed to at that time and publicly posted. Here is the link if you are not familiar or haven’t read the document yet.


I have read the document, Ernest.

That is why I am talking about the code of conduct, which is also in the document.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Empower others to feel comfortable in making mistakes, in learning and growing.

Yet again another showing of passive aggressive behavior.

I copied the code of conduct, which one would hope would protect against this very situation, which was expressed as the change.

Yet again showing that discourse is only allowed when certain people have concerns and grievances.

Homie, I feel compelled to respond to this comment because I am finding your behaviour abhorrent.
You say that you stand for everyone having a voice, and yet when someone says something that you don’t like, you accuse that person of not allowing open discourse. There is no logical connection between these points and yet you continue to make such statements.

You responded to my constructive comments - where I pointed out which section the post belongs in and suggested that you refine the wording before making it a formal proposal - by stating that my comments were not constructive. You then insinuated that because I gave less than positive feedback, I must be against transparency or community empowerment.

I did not send you the link to the template because I assumed that as a Level 2 Contributor you’d be aware of it. Then when you were provided with it, you criticise and call it gaslighting.

You accuse Ernest of passive aggression and yet anyone who is familiar with recent events in Research Guild could surely see that this series of highly passive aggressive tweets is aimed at them. It’s certainly not what I would call mutual respect or being the change you want to see.

I find it extremely disappointing that someone who could post such things to the Twitterverse can in the same breath say that they are trying to build a positive community in BanklessDAO.

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I just know in research guild you often acknowledge not reading or being familiar with the documents. I was just trying to provide you with the link you requested to the information you asked for. And as you do i get attacked.

What would your conde of conduct suggest be the resolution given your consistent behavior of attacking folks for the past 2 seasons?

Your twitter post, you do realize is evidence of your projections on to others and a description of your actual behavior. Just because you are treated one way in your IRL work life is no reason to project those behaviors on to others in the dao.

so you attack folks on twitter and then block them from seeing your tweets so they can’t respond. You talk about transparency but you don’t even read the docs that do provide that transparency

you talk about what other folks “should” do but fail to lead meetings, schedule discussions, or offer much in the way of suggesting edits to governance docs. You rarely commit to action items other than offering help with the multi sig, which you do quite well. Which is why i am so surprised that you claim lack of transparency in things when you are the managing the docs to provide that transparency.

i had this long comment (i think you can read the edited version )

what i think i will instead say is this.

i dont think people should do one thing or another. i dont think people should feel one way that serves better for me than for anyone else.

I, can feel one way, and perhaps that one ways was feeling attacked. however. I wonder if this is a matter of people seeing the same situation two different ways.

also, i think theres a lot of accountabillity that needs to be considered, on both sides of the situation. perhaps you did not update your research docs because it was too much work on you. perhaps you felt that you were carrying the weight of the guild, the dao, (i know you have work in multiple guilds, and maybe that weight bore down on you last season. I spent most of the time asking questions, but that is becuase i felt that i couldnt change an already decided situation. perhaps. that’s where i saw wrong in this.

that being said, i wonder if the best way forward is to take a look at all sides of this question and decide whether your form of conversation does not automatically claim to be passive aggressive, even though thats how i perceive it.

perhaps my strong willed nature is because this is actually something i believe in.

we will likely never see eye to eye, and perhaps thats okay. however, i do truly hope (and @Trewkat as well) work for the best of this world, just like I will still do. because there are new folks coming in from the hostilities of web2, looking to people who have been in here to shine a light through what feels like neverending darkness.

i wish you both the best.