Bankless dao membership
Let’s talk about memberships in bankless dao and what membership means
Currently there are 4 levels of membership
Guest pass
Level 1 - member (you hold 35k bank)
Level 2 - major contributor (you have been recognized as providing significant value to the dao and voted to level 2)
Level 3 - whale (hold 200k bank? I don’t know the exact number but something like that and you get a couple extra whale discord channels)
The following are reasons I see why someone would want to join the dao
You can work and earn bank
You can make friends
You can make business contacts
You can learn from others expertise
You can hear about alpha
I see these as the major reasons for why someone would want to join banklessdao and to take advantage of all of these there is no need to be a level 1 member. As far as I know there is no real limit to getting guest passes renewed and they provide almost all the benefits of level 1 and actually I don’t know anything they don’t have access to and level 1 does. Guest passes were started because we acknowledged that the barrier for entry of 35k bank might be burdensome for some people. We wanted to allow people to be a part of the dao and earn their way to full membership. I am increasingly seeing that not happen. Guest pass members can take advantage of every thing mentioned above and this creates no incentive for them to actually earn a full membership.
Holding 35k bank means you have a financial stake in making the dao successful. Being a guest pass member and taking on roles and earning significant amounts of bank and selling right away is not what the guest pass is meant to be. I could see a counter argument that people have bills to pay which is true but that applies to everyone and why should the dao be paying your bills if you can’t commit to being a member by holding enough of our native token to be a member. I think this skews alignment and encourages a mindset of extracting value from the dao rather than providing value to the dao.
I would like to start a discussion about this.
Some of my initial thoughts are that guest pass members should be either not be allowed to hold roles or as part of those roles there should be a percentage that has to be held until they have achieved full membership.
Or limiting how many times a guest pass can be renewed. Being a guest pass member for more than a season to me comes across that you are not aligned with the dao and I think you should lose your guest pass or hold 35k bank.
Maybe as part of this conversation we can talk about lowering the threshold but as it stands membership means very very little and we need to fix it to ensure people operating inside the dao are aligned with the success of the dao.
I would love to get the perspective of guest pass members and your opinions on this. My intention is not to exclude people who can’t afford the membership but we have created a way for them to earn level 1 now we need to create a reason for guest pass members to earn and keep their level 1 membership otherwise why have membership at all. Let’s discuss!