EPA S4 Proposal

Great question Sid. Moving up to 3 bank per word with a cap at 6,000 $BANK. We only publish a maximum of 8 articles per month. That’s 24 articles in S4. An additional 6K per article will be to publish more articles, and to bonus authors that generate a top 1/3 level readership (in relation to existing content) to be calculated 30 days after publication.

The thinking here is to increase the quality of content, and draw in a higher skill-level of authors contributing. Strauf’s piece on $BANK, or $LUNA are examples of that high-water mark.

The intent is not to willy-nilly pay way more for the existent level writing regardless of efficacy but we do feel that 4 bank per word will help stimulate submission rates. An increased pay, an incentivezed performance should augment the quality and quantity of submissions we receive, and publish.