Badge-Based Distribution for Subscriber Airdrop

Personally I think the simple solution of even distribution is the quickest way to put this behind us and avoid the potential for more issues.

Correct me if I am wrong, but this will require creating a new smart contract with a Merkle Distributor that considers the various distribution lists for each variant of POAP and the different BANK token amounts associated with each one. I am not a Solidity developer but reducing weak points in the claim process is naturally a good idea.

Finally, I think that giving the same amounts of BANK to people who did not claim their badge prior to May 4th is the easiest way to allow them to gain access to the DAO at the 35K minimum.

If we go with the duration based distribution, we create the possibility for people to fall below that amount even after going through the work to redeem the new POAP.

So I suggest if the “duration based” passes (in any form) it underscores the need to change the access requirements, but of course that is for a separate proposal.


I don’t think this is correct. The distribution list → POAP mapping would be handled operationally by the Genesis Squad, because this is a totally new POAP (old badges become irrelevant in duration based).

We’d output the list of emails by # of months subscribed, and send a different POAP to each. Then the quantity of BANK allocated to each address holding the POAP would be different based on the # of months it represents.

IMO, this is likely with both schemes, but the inequality will be worse with duration based of course. The amount given to 2021 badge holders was 37.42k, which is already barely above threshold.

EDIT: Lowering the Discord threshold is a potential way around this.

Thank you for doing this work. The more people who receive the DAO token the better it is for the values, future, marketing, social investment and skin in the game of the community. Supported EVEN but very happy with any move which broadens the token holder base in line with the generosity of the Genesis squad. Best to all.


The second airdrop will go to ALL subscribers. That was determined by the Genesis team and detailed in the announcement article. The first drop was for subscribers that claimed their badge prior to May 4. Even if subscribers received $BANK already, they are gonna receive more $BANK. This proposal isn’t to reward badge holders with more $BANK. This proposal is to distribute the second airdrop more fairly to all subscribers.

I support this proposal. I voted yes to even distribution. However, I think the same allocation to go to all subscribers. So 2020 badge holders don’t receive more than 2021 badge holders. If the method is truly even distribution, take 87,000,000 $BANK divided by total # of subscribers and allocate that amount to everyone subscribed prior to 5/1.


Hi! Thank you a lot for putting so much work in this proposal. I would vote for the even distribution to all badge holders at the moment of voting. Is it possible to add such a choice to the initial proposal?

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@Ap0ll0517 @Oli - at this point we’re not adding new options. If you feel strongly you can make your own proposal.

Discussion here: Discord

I would just leave the distribution as planned by the genesis squad. Whatever you change, it’ll always be criticized by someone. But ultimately I’m fine with what’s best for the DAO.

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I vote for an even distribution. I use an email service that includes privacy features, and I know others who do the same, and so an “emails read” distribution would put us at an unfair disadvantage since the privacy email clients we use block tracking of whether we opened the newsletter or not. Since even though we read the newsletter all the time, as far as Bankless knows it’s 0 since they can’t see it.

Privacy and decentralization are core crypto values, and punishing people for adhering to them seems very anti-Bankless.

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You can get as many subscriptions as you want but it won’t benefit you. Badges wouldn’t get issued until the 1st where as the snapshot is taken the day before. I’m not sure that would be a fun way to burn some extra cash lol

I also use a privacy based emailing system, so even distribution is probably the fairest.

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Hey folks. We’re likely to move forward with a snapshot for the “even” proposal given it’s solidly leading here >2x above “duration-based” and has a simple majority as well. Just waiting to get my address whitelisted.


Great discussion guys on this - let’s push to Snapshot in the morning!

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For folks just joining the thread, please go to the new discussion here: Badge-Based Distribution for Subscriber Airdrop (FINAL)

Glad we’re going after a remedy for this issue!