Bankless Perpetuity
Authors: innov8tor3. Squad: Oakf Floors. Created: 24/5/24. Posted: 5/6/24.
The Bankless Perpetuity proposal suggests a gradual restart and restructuring of Bankless working groups with a focus on long-term sustainability. It emphasizes that each working group should adopt a “perpetuity mindset,” generating value rather than relying on handouts, and outlines protocols to ensure sustainability. Past examples of successful guilds and projects are highlighted as models to guide new and relaunching groups. The proposal also includes mechanisms for ongoing evaluation and learning, recommending that new guidelines and successful practices be documented for future reference.
Low impact, gradual restart Bankless Restructuring Proposal following and inspired by Iced Cool ‘s agreed pausing proposal.
Bankless Perpetuity: Any Working Group in Bankless needs to commit to making the Working Group perpetual, within a defined time frame.
There are many prior examples where Bankless working groups fledged or spawned. So Bankless has it’s own heritage to draw on to identify and harness more ways to deliver long-termlong term sustainability much more consistently across Bankless working groups.
No one should expect free handouts, outside of a state setting. Community is typically driven by value generation, which has to come before charity. This mindset needs to be at the heart of any Bankless working group. Sustainability needs to be much more a watchword for any able bodied working group. How will that working group contribute to the wider Bankless community? People who “expect” handouts are basically demonstrating an extractive mindset, and this should be rejected by any citizen in a Web 3 setting. Web 3 is not a state function for accessing UBI, because it’s not primarily location based. Even those Web 3 outfits trying to provide UBI - Universal Basic Income - require benefits from actions before granting funds. Bankless mostly doesn’t fit into that part of Web 3 thinking, and that is a conscious decision that Bankless members need to take.
Several guilds previously built working products that brought sustainability to their guild, and they were able to fledge from Bankless and be their own DAO. Some even could and do operate their own Grants programme. These Bankless lessons need to be captured and made available as learning opportunities for newer, less assured working groups that seek to make a similar impact in Web 3.
Before the pausing of funding, as one example, Project Management Guild was working on a project to ensure TAM SAM SOM Market Assessments in Bankless proposals. This is one example of a possible Perpetuity Protocol, one that makes it easy for Working Groups to demonstrate they are trying to offer value in market places. There could be other Perpetuity Protocols. Bankless need working groups to have one or other realistic form of Perpetuity Protocol. In essence, the nub is to provide a solid set of written working values aiming for value generation and community contribution that working groups sign up to, seeing the core value in doing so.
Previously, Bankless had Guilds, and Guilds trialled working protocols across one or more seasons. At season end, a review took place to decide whether to continue working group practice, to change it or to cease it. This review practice is very normal, and makes perfect sense, as does a trial period to see what can be achieved.
A minimalist approach to installing Perpetuity Mindset across Bankless would be to say that Guilds can restart function and funding once they have submitted a Perpetuity Structure to eg Governance Department, or the Grants Committee, to show they have embedded that thinking in their local governance.
Timeframes for success are still needed, whether they are called Seasons or something else. Working groups, in concert with the Grants Committee, will need to iteratively evolve the back and forth to underpin and develop Perpetuity Protocols. If Guilds continue, they may want to continue a particular project, even if not self sustaining, but funded by other projects they are running.
As with all new projects, it takes time to see if they will work. How long that is may vary project to project. Electric cars started in the 1980s, and had to wait another forty years to become a viable possibility. It is accepted that not all projects will succeed, and so there needs to be a level of failure tolerance.
To counter balance the trials, working groups need to have a Perpetuity Product, one that provides income for the a working group, and meaning it is an offset against Perpetuity Trials. This means there is still no threat to overall Perpetuity of the working group.
It becomes a bigger responsibility, setting up a new working group, to find a path rapidly towards a Perpetuity Product. It behoves folk wanting to set up such a group to look at past Perpetuity Examples, and say how a new working group will build from there, or bring in new Perpetuity Protocols to trial. Setting up such groups in the past may have taken a more lenient approach to beginning something new, but probably now more serious scrutiny is needed, by applying this set of procedures.
These need to work the same way as for New Working Groups. Working groups can’t take Perpetuity for granted, and it seems apparent that Bankless do need to take this aspect more seriously in order to relaunch. This must happen group by group, to provide more secure foundations.
As part of this wider exercise, GD may wish to consider a specific working group that checks on Brand Usage across bDAO, focusing on the risks posed by Brand Damage when considering Bankless HQ. It’s therefore necessary to create forms of cross charging between Guilds for services provided, whatever the activity provided is.
One of the best things about Guilds in history was quality of output. This was achieved by ensuring apprenticeships were available in each trade. While guilds eventually gave way to capitalism, there’s no reason Web 3 can’t find a middle ground that might make Web 3 blended Guilds - more reactive and less rigid - a distinct possibility. It therefore makes sense to make sure Apprenticeships are available and properly supported for key working group roles.
This proposal aims to minimise disruption to existing and already part working Bankless structures. As working groups start to regroup and reform, they can individually submit to the GD, basing submissions on prior Perpetuity Examples or on very sound Perpetuity Protocols.
It may be that GD can ask known Bankless contributors to form a working party. This task will certainly need more than one person.
This is a team based proposal, where previously it was suggested that one individual could take charge of a Bankless restructuring. This was mooted then as a proposal to have a Bankless Mayor. But the Bankless community did not vote in favour of this.
Undergoing this journey, much valuable learning will take place, in both working groups and eg the GD. This learning needs to be captured, so future cohorts can see how Bankless grows and thrives.
Perpetuity Examples - AI can help define how the fledging or spawning DAOs became self sustaining.
WG Perpetuity Protocols - can be produced season by season, and are the bedrock for WG Perpetuity. Again, to be documented in Notion.
Perpetuity Product - per WG, Bankless want to see a growing number of these in Notion, to underpin solid, long term working group growth.
Working Group formation, or reformation Guidelines, based on Perpetuity Mindset and specific Perpetuity objects.
Notion based Perpetuity Learning guidelines, showcasing past Perpetuity Examples. Probably best if produced gradually.
Many Perpetuity Examples are already recognised in AI search by Gemini and Perplexity. Bankless can select case studies as needed.
Proposal Concerns Table
innov8tor3 will set up a concerns table, to document all concerns raised in response to this proposal. Where concerns are diametrically opposed to proposal elements, innov8tor3 will attempt to apply “creative difference” approaches to finding better compromises and resolutions, so more folk can sign up to moving forwards.