Title: Project Lifecycle Management Working Group 2.0
Authors: 0xRene, links, Dside, Swol Chasse, Bo I BanklessDAO, 0xJustice
- DSide
- Swol Chasse
- Bo | BanklessDAO
- links
- 0xJustice
Date Created: 31/12/2021
Date Posted: 09/01/2022
The proposal seeks consensus on the mission of the Project Lifecycle Management Working Group (PLM team) and the proposed funding mechanism for contributors.
The PLM team was founded in Season 2 and has created value by creating a project management best practice database. For Season 3, we want to implement the following changes:
Offer retrospectives for funded projects. We propose to make these retrospectives part of the grants renewal process (1-2 hrs time of investment per project per Season).
Ask for remuneration of the PLM team for managing the retrospectives, documenting the results and making them available to the DAO. Furthermore, we will implement the learnings into our best practices database.
Projects are the main driver of expansion and success for Bankless DAO. We are rich in talent and ideas and through projects we can target them to achieve the Bankless mission.
However, we face two challenges that we propose should be addressed through the PLM team:
Running a successful project needs strong coordination. This can be a struggle for projects. In part because there is limited documentation on best practices on running a project in the DAO. But also, because projects may not always have the project management skills they need based on their complexity. Therefore, projects can find themselves in the situation that they do not have the right tools to address challenges when they arise.
As stakeholders of projects, BANK holders have limited visibility on the challenges projects face during a Season. There is no structured way of knowing if a project struggles, hence there is no way of targeting help in time to make sure the goals of the Season will be achieved.
In the view of the PLM team, overcoming these challenges is vital to keep the delivery pace of projects and hence optimizing the DAOâs investment of BANK. This will help the DAO to make the right decisions at the right point in time. But most importantly, projects that run smoothly are more likely to have a happy project team. It therefore directly promotes the positive and ambitious culture of Bankless DAO.
Every project of Bankless targets our mission and values. By supporting projects to be successful, we help the DAO to work towards its goal.
Achievements in previous Season
Founded in Season 2, the PLM team tried an iterative approach to best address our mission. In Season 2 we cooperated with five projects, identified eight challenges, and discussed best practices to overcome these. In addition, we identified 12 best practices that these projects already use. The outcome of this exercise is documented in the PLM best-practice database (https://www.notion.so/bankless/Project-Lifecycle-Management-Working-Group-162a6cb6ef4949ce9776da165c0bd15b#73e178123ebc48268a00edf7629c653b).
Proposal for Season 3
In Season 3, we propose to tweak our approach to be even more targeted to the challenges that were outlined in the Background.
We propose to make it a mandatory part of the grants renewal process for projects to have at least one project retrospective during a Season. A retrospective is a structured tool used in agile project management that helps projects identify what their challenges are and how to help themselves overcome them. The PLM team would facilitate those retrospectives with the projects, develop solutions, document the outcomes and make them accessible as best practices to all projects.
In addition to helping the projects, we create a growing database of project management best practices in the DAO that could serve as a separate product of Bankless DAO. As our knowledge grows, we also envision a fusion of the PLM team with Bankless Consulting to offer those battle tested practices to other DAOs.
We want to offer retrospectives to projects. The PLM team currently is comprised of eight team members. We therefore do not have the capacity to offer retrospectives to all projects. We propose to require projects of a certain funding ask (e.g. above 500k BANK) to do at least one retrospective mid Season to be eligible for grants renewal going into Season 4.
How does the retrospective work?
A retrospective is a guided session with the project team. The goal is to reflect on how well the team functions and what the team can improve upon. The focus is on enabling the team itself to solve the problems. The PLM team will help with their skills and document the results of the session. This documentation will be made available to all other projects to help them learn for their own project structure.
What else is the PLM team doing?
In addition to performing retros, we offer projects the opportunity to voluntarily bring their challenges to the PLM team to seek non-partisan, expert guidance. We use our Discord channel to create threads on reported challenges, discuss them async and cover them in our weekly PLM team meeting. Solutions to challenges will be documented as best practices into our already existing best practices database (https://www.notion.so/bankless/Project-Lifecycle-Management-Working-Group-162a6cb6ef4949ce9776da165c0bd15b#73e178123ebc48268a00edf7629c653b).
The PLM working group asks for 150k BANK funding + max. additional 60k BANK (6k BANK for every proven performed Retrospective; we expect up to 10 Retrospectives in total).
Finding request in detail:
We propose a funding logic, where the PLM team would be remunerated by the Grants Committee monthly based on the retrospectives performed. A retrospective is calculated to be three hours of work for two PLM team members. Therefore, per retrospective, we ask for remuneration of 6000 BANK. We expect to hold maximum of 10 Retrospectives and therefore this part will have a maximum funding ask of 60k BANK,
In addition, we ask for a total of 75k BANK for Season 3 as a PLM team internal Coordinape round to compensate for the work being done to continue to grow the best practices database and perform consulting services to projects that have challenges and seek help by the PLM team.
Lastly, we ask for retroactive remuneration of 75k BANK for Season 2 for the consulting services that the PLM team provided to the five projects and the best practice database created.
- Minimum of 6 retrospectives performed during Season 3
- At least one improvement measure per retrospective identified and taken up as improvement by the projects.
- Results documented in best practices database.
- NPS > 50 from teams that weâve assisted.
- Seek community feedback on Discourse.
- Seek grants approval for described funding.
- Reach out to projects to plan retrospectives
- I want the PLM working group to work as outlined in this post
- This approach needs revision
0 voters