Sorry that I made you feel that way. Let me state right now that I’m not trying to say you and your team have malicious intent.
I’ll say again that I LOVE the idea for the project. What I’m trying to figure out is how this project functions in the long-term. Even if the idea is great, if the project isn’t set up for success, then I wouldn’t want to fund it.
What I’m trying to do is reconcile your answers to my questions. There are some things that seem inconsistent to me. For instance, both you and @mgoesdistance have stated that you don’t want to be part of this project long-term, you’d like to transition it to bDAO guilds. But I’m not clear where the budget is to transition your pieces of the project to bDAO guilds.
Heck, I don’t even know what all of you will be doing for this project! You have mentioned that you’ll break that down for GC, so I will wait for that, but I’ll just mention that there is a reason that most startups have ways to lock founders in for 3-5 years. You have stated that you, @Walshy will be handling post-production and the sponsorship pipeline. If you leave the project, there’s no guarantee anyone will be able to replicate what you have accomplished.
Thanks for your engagement, and I will wait for this project to show up in Grants Committee before commenting further.