Proposal: DAODenver Sponsorship

Title: DAODenver Partnership Proposal

Author: Bo | BanklessDAO :black_flag:#7210

Date Posted: 04 Feb 2022

This proposal is to gain approval for a 50K BANK sponsorship of DAODenver, a two-day conference focused on the challenges and opportunities facing today’s DAOs, which will be held on February 15-16, 2022. The event is produced by in cooperation with ETHDenver.

BanklessDAO strongly supported passage of a proposal to become a DAO Partner of DAODenver with 45 votes in favor and zero against. As a DAO Partner we receive acknowledgement on the website in exchange for marketing the event in our discord and community calls.

Since passage of the original proposal, DAODenver has made a huge amount of progress, including confirming 43 speakers from DAOs around the world, including many names you’ll recognize like rotorless, humpty, frogmonkee, above average joe, saulthorin and a host of other frontiersmen and women.

While still expects to lose money on this endeavor, they consider it a public good and are reaching out to DAOs like Bankless to support them and mitigate their losses.

I am asking BanklessDAO to support DAODenver with a grant of 50,000 BANK. In exchange for this financial support, BanklessDAO will receive undying love and devotion from the DAODenver community, and at least two fire banners like those pictured below:

About Participating in the Event
Just to be clear, and aside from this proposal, all attendees must purchase a ticket to attend this two-day event that coincides with the free BUIDLweek of ETHDenver. You may purchase tickets here using our very own 20% discount code. DAODenver has also created a gorgeous NFT that provides proper OG status.

I am volunteering my time with DAODenver without any expectation of remuneration. I have a vested interest in its success from a purely reputational perspective.

Please vote
Please indicate whether you approve of sponsoring DAODenver with a 50,000 BANK contribution in exchange for a minimum of two bDAO-branded banners to be flown at the event.

  • I approve of BanklessDAO sponsoring DAODenver with 50K BANK
  • I do not approve / this proposal needs revision

0 voters

Kindly provide feedback in comments below.

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The example image has just Bankless but I imagine that banner will say Bankless DAO / BDAO or similar yes?

Yes exactly. The logo for bDAO is just DAO with a red underline. We were thinking we should have something that reads out the full name, like “BanklessDAO”

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Great, if this is DAO-focused I’d love to support the event organizers. :+1:

Cross-posting a question from the How to DAO book thread: Who actually owns the Bankless IP? Does the DAO, or does LLC/HQ?

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that’s a great question Nym. Good dinner topic for this week!

Here is Above Average Joe testifying onstage about the opportunities and perils of managing a community through Discord.