[Draft 2] Season 2 Specification

:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: PLEASE READ THE GOOGLE DOCUMENT. ALL CHANGES FROM SEASON 1 ARE HIGHLIGHTED YELLOW. :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:


  • Season 2 will start on October 8th, 2021
  • Grants Committee will affirm projects funding requests going to Snapshot, keeping the total funding cap under 5M $BANK
  • Grants Committee will affirm guild budget requests going to Snapshot, keeping the total funding cap under 5M $BANK
  • Transfer 10.5M $BANK to the Grants Treasury for Season 1, with 3.5M for contributor rewards
  • 1.5M in monthly contributor rewards for L2. 1.5M in monthly contributor rewards for L1. 500,000 in seasonal contributor rewards for Guest Passes
  • Max budget for S2 = 20.5M

Next Steps

  • Formalize the project proposal workflow in Notion and Discourse
  • Begin the process of electing 7 multi-sig signers for the BanklessDAO treasury and phasing out those chosen at genesis by the LLC (original signers may apply)
  • Begin election process for three seats on the Season 2 Grants Committee
  • Transfer 10,500,000 $BANK to the Grants Committee multi-sig🚨


Move to snapshot (1 week voting period)

  • Yes
  • No (provide suggestions below)

0 voters


Reviewed few documents about upcoming proposals for season 2. Solid structure. How and where do we talk about potential impact of these projects?

How do you mean by potential impact? Project proposals are typically discussed in the forums.

Yes. That’s what I meant. Ok. Thanks!