Election of One New Vault Multisig Signer

Author: Rowan
Editors: trewkat, 0xZFi, Hiro Kennelly
Date Created: 11 September 2024
Submission Period: 11 September 2024 - 25 September 2024
Election Period (Snapshot): 26 September 2024 - 3 October 2024

Relevant Links: BanklessDAO Constitution; Season 8 - BanklessDAO Vault Multi-Signature Wallet Signers Election Application Submission; BanklessDAO Multi-sig Wallet election

Summary and Process

The DAO Vault multi-signature wallet, or Vault Multisig, contains the primary DAO assets. The Vault Multisig is managed by a team of seven DAO members, and requires four of the seven members to sign in order for any transaction to be executed.

0xLucas, one of the existing Multisig signers, has requested they be replaced. This post serves as the initial step in the application and election process. Individuals who meet the criteria identified below may apply by replying to this post during the Submission Period. At the end of the Submission Period, an election will be held in the form of a tlBANK Snapshot.

Important Considerations

The BanklessDAO Constitution details the Vault Multisig Signer Elections process, including the necessary criteria prospective applicants must meet. As our community membership and governance processes are in a state of transition, the BanklessDAO Constitution does not currently provide pertinent information on the criteria and processes for Vault Multisig Signer Elections. The Transition Council has made some modifications to the election process and applicant requirements to ensure they reflect the current state of governance and membership of the community. Please note, any changes made were intended to reflect equivalent requirements and processes, including but not limited to: applicants’ legitimacy, level of trust within the community, and value alignment.

Vault Multisig Signer Rights, Responsibilities, and Required Criteria for Election

According to the Constitution, Vault Multisig signers have the following rights and responsibilities:

To be considered for election and to retain the role, Vault Multisig signers must meet all the following criteria:

  1. tlBANK holder at block height 18,652,139 (same as the tlBANK Snapshot).
  2. Previously held a leadership position in this organization (equivalent to former Guild or Department Coordinator, Project Champion, former Grants Committee member).
  3. Experience as a signer on a multi-signature wallet.

To submit your application, reply to this post and include the following:

  1. Discord handle
  2. Reason for applying (i.e. why you would like to be a signer of this multisig). As the ideal candidate can demonstrate value alignment, please include information about your active participation in this organization to date.
  3. Qualifications - proof of criteria above.

Please note that the Transition Council may disqualify a candidate if their application does not meet the requirements above. The TC will provide rationale for any disqualification.


User discord : @LiviuC#7835

I have been involved in the DAO in various positions and on multiple vaults across the Bdao. I have strong knowledge how to operate vaults and consider myself an active signer.

The only issue that ai have is that I do not have the locked bank, although my bank is in my wallet for sucha long timw and most probably will be from now on.

Hope my application will be considered. Thank you!

  1. tlBANK holder at block height 18,652,139 (same as the tlBANK Snapshot).

As @LiviuC noted, people who qualify for 2) & 3) may not have bothered … Given the … err … paucity of talent retention, perhaps it may be worthwhile relaxing this … It’s basically a (social) signal of commitment, so there may be multiple ways to ensure the screening for this trait. ome suggestions …

  1. Keep the threshold but allow a (short) grace period to lock in eligibility (however this creates a gap for opportunists so perhaps a secondary criteria is to increase the minimum period of lock … ??? 5 years???
  2. The alternative for plutocrats is to significantly raise the threshold but look at the prior holding period and transaction patterns. You don’t want passive HOLDers but people that satisfy your commitment test
  3. Professional trustees … Ask 3rd party independents to buy-in as escrow and use that as earnest “fee” so you deduct for non-feasance (non-attendence of signers meetings) but progressively unlock portions as the trust relationship builds up. This is akin to reverse retainer but with smart contracts governing good/bad leaver provisions (death vs bad faith).

Also consider carefully whether tlBANK is a worthy signal per se (for whatever you are screening for). Because it can be bought, given sufficient incentives it can be gamed.

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Discord handle: paulitobankless

Reason for applying: I have a been an active member of the DAO since S4 and i am very committed to the growth and development of the DAO. I have served in a various capacities across the DAO and have experience when it comes to handling the multi-sig. I am active and always ready to respond when called upon.

Qualifications: Current TL BANK Holder. I served as a member of the Grants committee in S9, education department coordinator, and also accounting of the writers guild. These are just a few of the positions I have held in the DAO. I have in active in the governance discussions and voting’s that has been going to restructure the DAO.

It would be my privilege and an honor to serve as a member of the bDAO vault multi signers.


User discord: @eren_targ5

Currently a tlBANK holder.

Was the social media coordinator at Marketing Department - BanklessDAO for over a year and later was the Marketing Department coordinator for 2 seasons where I oversaw the overall operation of the department and made sure there is a smooth flow of work taking place , held regular meeting with all stakeholders.

I am also currently one of the Multisig signers for the Marketing Department Multisig.

Thank you for considering my application.