gm! thanks for dropping this, a few thoughts:
- Please put up a poll, which is necessary to gauge sentiment.
- Given our recent disagreements over the proper use of the tlBANK space, I’m really glad you put up this post rather than shipping it straight to a tlBANK vote, which may need to happen after this too depending on poll results
- Stoked you have been shipping, and do think some comp is appropriate.
- That said, I do think the amounts are high, and not really sure why there’s an amount for partnership lead, which strikes me as something that could just be a percent of whatever rev is generated through that role.
- Social also seems very high as all it requires is a handful of tweets a month and nothing else afaik.
- Not sure why L2 review content manager gets the same weekly salary as Rollup wen it ships every two weeks.
- I think retro comp is appropriate, so October should be funded but not future issues cuz who knows if they actually ship (i mean i believe you but we’re getting out of the proactive funding game).
- i do share some of trew’s concerns, esp given some of the rollup articles have contained factually inaccurate info re: the transition.
- Bounties generally look good to me.
- so tl;dr, i support retro funding, but not for partnership and social leads, and while i think the $150 a week for the rollup is ok (although tbh it feels high, i’m not sure we paid that much wen the DAO was full on and BP had outside rev but I didn’t go back to look), the L2 review content manager is 2x too high since it ships biweekly.
EDIT: @thethriller dropped a forum post that helped to clarify my thinking around this ask Should we be funding new initiatives now? - #2 by hirokennelly
the confines of the funding restart are clear, and only work directly related to the transition should be funded at this time. so for me that means the rollup, but not the l2.