Title: Governance Solution Engineer Program - Completion of Cohort 1
Author(s): Icedcool🏴#4947
Date Created: December 8th, 2022
Date Posted: January 10th, 2023
Reference documents:
GSE Re-Implementation: Link
GSE Notion Page: Link
GSE Members
- 0xJustice
- ManuelMaccou🏴
- Rotorless
- Saulthorin
- Above Average Joe
GSE Completed works:
A Financial Analysis of Guilds and Projects
BanklessDAO Constitution and bDIP Standard Version 2
Compensation System Bankless DAO
- Membership
- Leveling system
- Org Units
- Guild Focus
- Seasonal BANK Buyback program
- Project Funding Roadmap
- DAO Legal Service
- DAO Reporting
- Ombuds review/Judicial Offboarding
- Review and vote on GSE deliverables to complete GSE Cohort 1.
- Continue governance discussion in #governance and #BDAO Governance Workstream
This proposal is meant to complete the first cohort of GSE’s, collect DAO sentiment in terms of the deliverables, and to support discussion about continuing governance through creating a governing body that incentivizes and supports governance.
The GSE was proposed to organize a group of people at the DAO to address two important challenges for the DAO:
- Contributor Alignment - How do we properly reward active DAO contributors, accounting for the varying skill sets and time commitment people are making?
- Strategic Prioritization - What should we say no to? How do we, as a DAO, learn how to say no? How do we do this in a way that empowers the community to make decisions while also letting high-context individuals influence outcomes?
The GSEs were elected and were tasked with creating deliverables that had the requirements of:
- Detailed specification to implement.
- Community consent and feedback must already be included.
Through Seasons 4 and 5 they completed the above deliverables, and we are wrapping up in Season 6.
Base GSE Pay:
Each Gov SE is guaranteed a 75,000 BANK salary.
At the end of the Season, the DAO will vote on two deliverables produced by the GSEs via forum vote. One for strategic prioritization and one for contributor Alignment. Each deliverable will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, which will unlock additional compensation.
- Each deliverable will unlock up to 375K BANK
- Each rating will unlock 75K in funding. 1 = 75K, 2 = 150K, 3 = 225K, 4 = 300K, 5 = 375K
- We recommend that they distribute this unlocked funding amongst each other through coordinape, to reflect individual contribution as measured by each other.
- Each deliverable will unlock up to 375K BANK
Funds will be held in a multi-sig held by the 5 GSEs
- Once all compensation has been distributed, GSEs must produce a financial report outlining how funds were distributed.
- Any funds not distributed will be returned to the treasury.
Further Details:
The two workstreams(contributor alignment and strategic prioritization), had 500k BANK each to allocate to work being done. The GSEs would like to compensate the following contributors for their work:
Ispeaknerd 70k - Compensation plan
Senad 70k - Compensation plan
Icedcool 25k - Administration, and completion of GSE
Aloy 3k - Coordinator Roles
The GSE was an experiment that had high aims, a lot of goals and due to the breadth of focus a number of difficult challenges. Amidst that, the GSE cohort 1 created deliverables and suggestions that have helped move the DAO forward in terms of governance discussion and focus. Overall, I view this as a good learning opportunity, that has further pointed the DAO toward developing and refining our governance.
Next Steps
Upon the completion of this vote, the GSE will be free to kick off a coordinape to distribute funding amongst each other, compensate contributors, and return any funds not used back to the DAO.
A future proposal is in the works to create a governance department for the DAO to further incentivize and support governance.
Join the conversation in #governance and #BDAO Governance Workstream
How to vote:
Based on your review of the above deliverables, vote 1-5 (1 being lowest, 5 highest) on how the deliverables have addressed the two prioritizations defined above.
Strategic Prioritization Deliverables:
- bDIP candidates
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
0 voters
Contributor Alignment Deliverables:
- Constitution and bDIP Process
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
0 voters
Based on these polls payment will be released according to the financial specifications above.