Open Discussion About the Future of the Guest Pass

Thank you for post Blockboy. Your interested in exploring ideas on how to improve bDAO’s current state of governance/tokenomics is mission critical!

The first question I’d have is whether you can explain this pretty technical solution in simple terms? I watched the video but can’t wrap my head around the mechanics behind it. How’s the value from staked guest passes generated?

Further, how could this saving model proposed by the No Loss Subscription tie into the “Revamping Membership System” that GSEs recommended implementing?

To refresh our minds:
Quote: "The GSE recommends putting a time limit on guess-passes that cannot be renewed after a specified period and implementing an alternative membership system to the one we currently have, which only requires you to hold 35k indefinitely.

  1. Limited Guest Pass. The current guest pass lasts 14 days and is infinitely renewable, and many people do renew it indefinitely. Our economy (like every other social DAO) rests on memberships.
  2. The Seasonal Pass is one promising idea. The DAO is not capitalizing on its greatest value: the network. It also has very few inflows and suffers from a lack of focus. We create revenue, focus, and contributor focus by selling season passes. We have an amazing design pattern in the continuous auction we could emulate here . This would also give us visibility into community growth over time because it would create on and offboarding and cohort-based cycles."

I understand the recommendation the following way:

We could continuously auction of NFTs as seasonal passes for bDAO memberships at a defined rate to support commitment to guilds [prime directive = onboarding, education & upskilling members]. A continuous, fixed rate auction provides clarity around the provenance weight of each NFT for the new member, while also providing an ongoing source of funding and monetization for bDAO. → in short: Provenance NFTS (seasonally auctioned) issued by BanklessDAO to grant folks access to public goods - our guilds!

A few more questions: Do you recommend implementing this option instead of limited guest passes, as recommended by GSEs? Further, what implications does it have for seasonal passes? They seem to lose value in No Loss Subscription model.