Redefining Our Purpose

The v2 polls have now been closed! It was encouraging to see even more feedback on the v2 polls than the v1 polls and it makes me feel like we’re on the right track.

The goal here was to get a sense for our values and purposes going forward. I think we’ve done a pretty great job at beginning to shape and refine our vision for the future together.

@thethriller, I also appreciate the refinement poll regarding the blockchain tech angle! There’s a poll package coming for identity and branding soon that I hope to facilitate in a similar way as this discussion. If others feel so inclined to add options or refine options like this while the next v1 poll is up, we can shape an even more complete set of options for the next v2.


From the poll results and community feedback, two-thirds or more of voters aligned around our highest-priority values being:

  • 87% - Decentralized governance (operating without a central authority, with decisions made collectively by all empowered participants)
  • 75% - Integrity and transparency (blockchain auditability and proof-of-work accountability)
  • 66% - Self-determination (the ability of an organization to set its own goals, make decisions, and manage its operations without external compulsion or interference)
  • 66% - Vibes, fun, and social connections

And half or more of voters aligned around working together for the purpose of:

  • 78% - Supporting self-learning opportunities for members through experience and participation
  • 73% - Generating revenue to sustain operations and grants
  • 65% - Facilitating formal networking (through organization of job boards, IRL events, etc.)
  • 56% - Incubating projects through grants from a treasury


The poll results show a strong endorsement for decentralized governance, with an impressive 87% of voters supporting this value. This overwhelming preference underscores our commitment to a non-hierarchical and collaborative decision-making process. It reflects a core belief in the power of collective autonomy over centralized control, aligning closely with the foundational principles of DAOs, generally. The additional poll from @thethriller reflects a desire to leverage blockchain technology, specifically, to facilitate this decentralized governance.

Integrity and transparency also received strong support, with 75% of voters prioritizing these values. This highlights our focus on ethical operations and the importance of auditability and accountability, particularly through blockchain technologies. These principles are critical in maintaining trust and credibility within a decentralized framework, where traditional oversight mechanisms are absent.

Additionally, the emphasis on self-determination and social connectivity, both receiving 66% support, indicates a balanced approach to autonomy and community engagement within the DAO. The value placed on self-determination suggests a desire for organizational resilience and adaptability, while the appreciation for vibes, fun, and social connections points to the importance of a supportive and engaging community atmosphere. These values collectively suggest a strategic focus on building a sustainable and inclusive community that values both individual autonomy and collective wellbeing.

Analysis of the purpose-oriented poll results further outlines our vision for the operational and social dynamics of the DAO. The highest endorsement for supporting self-learning opportunities, with 78% approval, signifies a community-driven commitment to personal and collective growth. This strong emphasis on education and empowerment reflects a core objective of fostering an environment where members can learn and develop through active participation and experience. This approach not only enhances the capabilities of individual members, but also enriches the collective knowledge base.

Generating revenue to sustain operations and grants, endorsed by 73% of the voters, underscores a pragmatic approach to self-sufficiency. This strategic focus is vital for the DAO’s long-term viability, ensuring that it not only survives, but thrives, independently of external funding sources. By prioritizing financial sustainability, the community acknowledges the importance of having a stable economic foundation that supports continuous growth and innovation.

Furthermore, the focus on facilitating formal networking and incubating projects through grants, with 65% and 56% support respectively, reveals a proactive stance towards expanding influence and fostering innovation. These results indicate that the community values not just internal cohesion and sustainability but also external outreach and engagement, aiming to create a ripple effect of impact through collaborative projects and professional connections. These initiatives are crucial for integrating the DAO into broader networks and industries, enhancing its visibility and influence in various sectors.