Draft Authors: @0xBaer
Project: Bankless DAOplomats (DAOplomats.eth)
DAOplomats squad: @senad.eth @0xbaer @Jengajojo
Proposal to consolidate the voting power of the airdropped SAFE tokens to the delegation of BanklessDAO (DAOplomats Working Group) to participate in SAFE governance.
Delegate Address: daoplomats.eth / 0xd4879f876eE383067F80ACAdBE283B93141908e9
Initial forum post: Bankless DAOplomats
As a part of the SafeDAO launch, BanklessDAO multisigs are airdropped around 78,600 SAFE tokens vested over four years. @liviuc’s cumulative list without any guarantee https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889118218592075796/1010206254909624441/unknown.png.
Bankless DAOplomats is formed as a non-funded project after the initial ideation in the treasury guild to increase the meta governance influence of BanklessDAO and build a healthy relationship with partner DAOs. Bankless DAOplomats - Proposals
- DAOplomats.eth is an active participant in the governance of Optimism and is engaging in 1inch DAO governance initiatives.
Voting history of DAOplomats on Optimism Boardroom - Join DAOplomats exploring Meta governance in 1inch Community call this Friday.
DAOplomats.eth is looking to expand to the Safe ecosystem and potentially onboard itself as a safe guardian by dorming a delegation to particiapte in SAFE governance.
Since the Bankless multisigs are airdropped with $SAFE tokens, we should leverage our combined voting power for selecting a delegate. This action will increase our outreach to different communities and establish BanklessDAO as a critical player in DAO governance. Furthermore, Safe DAO will be governing a vital tool for going bankless i.e Smart contract wallets. I think the safe ecosystem will grow beyond its use case of multisig or DAO tools.
If you are still wondering if BanklessDAO should participate in Safe ecosystem governance, here is @Senad’s FAQ Discord.
During the initial discussions around utilising the airdropped voting power, many ideas have been put forward.
- Delegate the voting power to Banklessvault.eth
- Delegate the voting power to a single individual
- Delegate the voting power to a group
Delegate the voting power to Banklessvault.eth
Delegating voting power in the bankless vault will be the most straightforward option to consolidate the voting power since it will be vested in the hands of the DAO. This option doesn’t give us any advantage as BanklessDAO is planning to actively engage in the governance of the Safe DAO; voting on proposals will be on-chain multisig txs which the signers have to sign. Furthermore, not having any dedicated group to steward the initiative will leave us not utilising the tokens.
Well, how about delegating the tokens to a single person form BanklessDAO
The idea of delegating the voting power to individuals is not nuance
As Dan Wu mentions, nearly ¾ of $COMP delegates have never voted on-chain, and it’s practically impossible as a delegate to keep up with what’s happening in a different DAO and make educated decisions if its not your full-time job.
The best alternative will be to form pods with a smaller group of delegates with a shared wallet.
DAOplomats embrace the idea of pods with groups of 3 to 5 delegates dedicated per DAO.
DAOplomat Pod consists of one or two DAOexperts dedicated to watching the developments within a particular DAO. These DAO experts are supported by contributors to help sanity check forum posts and do the necessary research to form improvement proposals.
If are interested in DAOplomating, please read our initial proposal and join the squad
Since each guild has different governance structures, a healthy discussion of the potential utilisation of those voting power is much appreciated.
Consider delegating the voting power to DAOplomats.eth Pod or even send a rep to our pod
Why you should delegate to DAOplomats.eth
The tokens will be delegated to an Orca pod which consists of experienced members of BanklessDAO. The membership of this pod will be fluid. This action ensures accountability of the members. For Pod membership structure please refer our original proposal.
Delegate $SAFE tokens to DAOplomats.eth pod and onboard DAO members?
- Yes
- No