Anotherfuckin Forum post

Full props for the post and sentiment @Trewkat. However, I can’t imagine how this suggestion could be considered seriously.

If the name change were to be successful, I believe this puts the DAO in a position of overcoming a challenge right off the hop. Which is what we’re already trying to do by way of getting away from the Bankless brand. Does anyone really think we’d be likely to get mainstream coverage with a name that has the word ‘fuck’ in it?

I’ve been away from bDAO long enough that I’m unsure what bDAO wants to morph into, but if that includes welcoming to newcomers to crypto, I do not feel a name change like this is the way to go. If this is the best name we can come up with as a collective group, I suggest bDAO is better off to call it quits.

A suggestion for those still actively involved with the bDAO, find out what you want the DAO to be before deciding on a name.


I :100: agree on this. If somebody wants to go on with this name first we should dissolve bDAO and remove any associations with “Anotherfukcing DAO”, then everybody can do their thing. This name choice has nothing to do with the ethos of Bankless DAO which I joined a long time ago. I also don’t want my contributions to Bankless DAO to show up under this name.


I don’t think it is a good idea. You could have chosen a memorable name that is not profane. I don’t care about profanities personally but many people do and using profanities is usually not a sign of competence or reliability. Depending on what the goals of the new DAO will be this can be a problem.

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What do you think is the best way forward with a different name IF a different name goes forward?

I think the DAO should be properly dissolved and after that whoever wants to keep working on stuff can create a new DAO without having to reach a consensus with the rest of the folks. This new DAO should be opt-in for those who are interested instead of a drag-along for those who don’t like / want it. What people really need is a tabula rasa, not the mangled remains of a dead DAO.

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While I was taking this topic all in good fun, ultimately it looks like people are taking it seriously so I will write down why I don’t agree with it:

  • A brand should be a rallying cry for people of similar values to find each other. This brand will only help us find people who have been burned by DAOs in the past
  • A brand should be pro-something, not anti-something, else we define ourselves only by what we don’t like
  • I don’t care for having “DAO” anywhere in our brand. I find it limiting.

I appreciate the energy around this topic, so hopefully I’m not being a stick in the mud!


Again, totally agree with this. It seemed to me that this post was serious. If it is serious then it is a big problem. If it is not it doesn’t belong here. There are plenty of channels where this can be discussed before presenting it on the forum.

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I agree it’s funny, but like a lot of things people start taking it seriously and then Shit Happens ™ This should be a satirical news item coming from The Rug, not a serious proposal for renaming our organization.

It’s difficult enough to convince ‘normies’ that this whole space isn’t just a BigFukcinJoke ™ and we’re really not interested in doing anything FukcinMeaningful ™ that actually FukcinMatters ™

So no, I don’t think so. But yeah, repurpose as a funny article and use it as a vehicle to discuss how we can learn from failures of the past while being able to laugh at ourselves.


As usual, I find @links bringing uncommon good sense.

This name smacks of people who actually dislike DAOs. I think we want to attract people who embrace the idea of DAOs, of co-working, of collaboration.

So I like the subliminal suggestion here.

Rally DAO?

I’d even rush forward in my usual way and suggest red backgrounds and black font, a nod to the Bankless era but distinct.

But in any case, @homie has a great suggestion.

Gather together name suggestions, once this “framework” discussion has concluded, and have a vote.

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So far, for around two thirds of the people who have voted, the name is considered to be a good idea.
It’s very clear though, from the comments of those who don’t like the suggestion, that not everyone gets the vibe I was going for. Fair enough, and I’ll happily move on to thinking of new ideas.
If my post smacks of anything, it smacks of someone who cared enough to put a wild suggestion out there to get the discussion going, and maybe also have a laugh for the first time in a long while.
I sincerely apologise to you and anyone else who was offended by the post and will close the poll now.


We will find a way. We still have good people here. You included.

@Trewkat I don’t think you have anything to apologize for. I voted against the name for the reason of the profanity, as several others did. But I have nothing but appreciation for you submitting the idea in the first place! I think it’s a great idea; just IMO it’s not the path we should take.

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For the record, I wasn’t offended at all, my first reaction was nearly a belly laugh. And I’ve often said the same thing myself under my breath or when reading through endless new whatever. It’s exhausting!

Hope my comment about ‘it should be The Rug’ was partly because you’ve contributed there before and I love your writing :purple_heart:


bDAO already has an internal diverse brand via ChippiVerse

Cult of Satoshi


DAOpunks (KorpRAT by day, daoPunk by night)




Ethereum guard(Ian’s)


Goldie HOLDers

If you really want a sub-type, it seems the goblims are stuck with the dirty, dreary and dangerous jobs so invent a few more hats/roles