BanklessDAO subDAOs and subTokens

Thanks for the question, I think it is extremely timely and helpful to better understand what I mean by this project.
A media node is a media outlet, a channel through which bankless voice can be propagated.
A subDAO is a community (token gated), which can also refer to the community that is created around the media node, with its own subToken.

A subDAO acts in the opposite way to the fragmentation, chaos and division of the ecosystem.
It helps the growth of the ecosystem, allows its members a degree of entrepreneurship focused towards some purposes that in BanklessDAO may not be primary.
In addition, it helps to attract local communities that can experience DAO in their own language and with less participatory economic effort than that required by BanklessDAO today. Many exponents of the local community will then be able to “evolve” into members of BanklessDAO, we could also define a specific role for those who participate in subDAOs without being members (35K BANK) of BDAO.

I hope that the explanation was clear and exhaustive, otherwise I will be more than willing to provide more elements.

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