Title: bDIP-02 : Coordinated Timing Across BanklessDAO
Scope: Minor Change
Draft Author: Rowan (chunz)
Working Group: Operations Department
Link to Working GDoc
The BanklessDAO Constitution doesn’t specify a single timezone around which we can all effectively coordinate. This may seem inconsequential most of the time, but twice each year confusion manifests as some regions observe “Daylight Savings”, while others do not. This bDIP will establish Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) as the single reference timezone for meetings and events across BanklessDAO.
BanklessDAO is a global community, collaborating across countries and timezones. So far, we haven’t identified a single reference timezone for scheduling calls and events, and most of the time it’s not an issue. Twice each year, however, some regions shift their clocks by an hour, while others do not. Further, this shift isn’t coordinated across regions and occurs on a different date depending on where you live.
As UTC is the time standard by which most countries regulate clocks and time, it makes sense that bDAO would use this standard as well. UTC is not subject to “Daylight Savings” and most of the DAO already rely on it as a reference to avoid potential confusion resulting from timezone math.
This bDIP introduces new content but is compatible with previous versions and can be considered a minor change.
Proposed Form
It is proposed that a new section of the Constitution is created:
DAO Coordination
BanklessDAO coordinates around Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Wherever possible, meeting and event times are expressed in this timezone.
bDAO will officially have a single, coordinated reference timezone (UTC).
- Collect feedback and make any necessary changes to the proposed bDIP.
- Get Forum consensus (quorum: 51 votes)
- Update the Constitution
Rowan was the Coordinator for the Operations Department in Season 5 and continued in Season 6.
Operations Department includes many folks who meet to discuss aspects of bDAO function, developing solutions to improve DAO functions and operations.
POLL - Do you accept this bDIP change?
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