bDIP 04 : Departments

Title: [bDIP-04: Departments
Scope : Major Change
Draft Authors: thinkDecade :black_flag:#7181,
Working Group: thinkDecade :black_flag:#7181
Editors : @Sprinklesforwinners @Jengajojo


Define Department

Outline Department formation

Add Department to: BanklessDAO/bankless-dao-constitution - Under DAO Organisational Units

Let’s dig in🍴

Even though the DAO has fully integrated Departments as one of its organizational units. The Constitution is yet to be updated to reflect this structural change. Let’s get Departments into the Constitution. Shall we?

putting Dept in the constitution


Departments are new organizational units of the DAO. They were implement just before the community ratified the BanklessDAO/bankless-dao-constitution . The constitution has not been updated to reflect their existence yet. Departments first appeared here An Idea For Team Taxonomy aka WTF is a Guild? - Governance - Bankless DAO . The
idea of departments gradually gained community consensus and finally got implemented in season 6.


Constition Update
Current form



Definition of Department 
Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO. The qualification test for a department is that if it does not exist, the DAO cannot function properly or may cease to exist! 

Formation of New Department
Departments exist to ensure the functioning and operational needs of the DAO. A new department may be formed if it has been sufficiently determined that the going concern of the DAO is threatened without the existence of this new Department. For a new Department to be formed, the following conditions must be taken into account:
1. The new department cannot be a workstream under or part of an existing department Consider: The new Department should be separate from any existing guilds/Departments.
2. Must clearly satisfy the definition of a Department: Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO.

Formation procedure 
Go through standard DAO governance processes(Soft consensus >formal proposal>snapshot)

1.Discuss and get consensus from the community.
2.Present proposal on the forum for further community discussion and consensus. Use the Department proposal template provided by the DAO. 
3. Head over to GC to justify funding requirements.
4. Proposal must go through snapshot for final consensus. 


DAO Organizational Units

Further Details:point_down:t5:

Definition of Department

Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO. The qualification test for a department is that if it does not exist, the DAO cannot function properly or may cease to exist! An Idea For Team Taxonomy aka WTF is a Guild? - Governance - Bankless DAO

Formation of Departments

Departments exist to ensure the functioning and operational needs of the DAO. A new department may be formed if it has been sufficiently determined that the going concern of the DAO is threatened without the existence of this new Department. For a new Department to be formed, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. The new department cannot be a workstream under or part of an existing department Consider: The new Department should be separate from any existing guilds/Departments.
  2. Must clearly satisfy the definition of a Department: Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO.

Formation procedure - Go through standard DAO governance processes!


Discuss and get consensus from the community.

Present proposal on forum for further community discussion and consensus. Use the Department proposal template - Department Funding Template - Grants/Funding - Bankless DAO

Head over to GC to justify funding requirements.

Send proposal to snapshot for final consensus.

  • Soft Consensus

Initial and thorough discussions within the community to gauge support and general alignment. Discussion may happen within various guilds/departments and on CC. During this stage, the individual/workgroup proposing the creation of the new department may work closely with the OPs department to ensure alignment and ensure that there are no workstreams working on the same or a similar thing.

  • Formal proposal

If the community has a template for departments proposal, use template to draft a forum proposal for the creation of the new department.

  • Snapshot

Proposal moves to snapshot for voting.


Codification of departments into the Constitution.

Increased clarity on the formation process of new departments.




  1. Community feedback and update where necessary.
  2. Move to snapshot for vote.
  3. Update the Constitution.


@thinkDecade is an everyday contributor at BanklessDAO and Bankless Africa​:dart::wink:

POLL- Do you accept this bDIP?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I need some clarity before I can vote
0 voters

@thinkDecade why is this titled bDIP-05? I don’t think there was ever bDIP 04 :sweat_smile:

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I realized that this bDIP - DAO Wide Coordinape Season 7 Proposal Draft 3 was not numbered. it would 04 and department would be 05. what do?

I don’t think that was a bDIP but a proposal, because it wouldn’t modify the constitution, just change a seasonal action.

So good to go :+1:

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Great bDIP dude!

Could you write up what section needs to change in the constitution?
Based on this bDIP, I’m not clear what section or verbiage we would modify or change.

You can use this template here:


Explain the textual change to the community handbook in detail.

Current Form Proposal
“Old text in section X” “Revision in section X”

Include a detailed breakdown of the rationale and research into the proposal and any other comparable DAO communities who have tried the same.

Include the expected semantic versioning scope changes made by the proposed revision.

I imagine this would be added to the org unit section?


thanks for pointing this out.

I couldn’t add the table format. so I placed the details in the “preformated text”.

btw, could we have the table plugin added to our discourse by the admin(s)?

Thank you ser. bDIP numbering updated.

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How will we address that we may have an entity choosing to be both, a department and then also set up as a guild or vice versa or has this issue been addressed or can it be addressed here - apart from refusing funding? E.g. an aspect dealt with by a department cannot be dealt with by a guild - whereby one
could circumvent this by just splitting off different aspect and choose a different name for such an entity. Whether something is critical to the DAO is, again, a judgement of course.

Isn’t it up to the DAO to decide if a group is critical to the DAO? If a new department seeks funding, they’d need both popular, GC, and token-weighted consensus. Similarly, if someone feels an existing department is inessential, this question can be brought to the DAO to decide through our regular governance processes


that is true, but irrespective how or by whom it is decided whether it is “essential” must still be determined - and that remains a judgement.

Essential = the DAO could not effectively operate without.
I forget who said something on the lines of : They only invest in a company that the world couldn’t live without if it were gone tomorrow. But I think about essential on those lines.

ya, needs to use the template in order to understand what the exact modification is please

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Is this a Forum Post to determine Soft Consensus or is this the final bdip proposal?

trying to determine what the quorum requirement for this bdip is. minor patch?

Since this is not a change to current functioning of the DAO, and only fixing the bug of departments not being included in the constitution, I think this is a patch(40 votes quorum) to fix that.

100% open to debate or dispute on that.


Totally agree, just curious if we need to edit and update this forum post and spread awareness of it or do we need to redraft the post and spread awareness, seems to me we can just add the quorum reqs to the post and then raise awareness?

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No objection here. let me know if anything else needs to be done. Going to try to raise awareness.

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The only way BDAO can end is if the internet goes off. The departments don’t matter.
Who decided what a " functional and operational need" is?
If the BDAO can be stopped without a department then by definition its centralized. The object should be to build structures to make BDAO unstoppable not to create structures it depends upon to exist.


the goal i try to focus on is describing the domains of decision making

Hi @thinkDecade
I’ve been working on the Constitution revamp with Ernest, Hiro, and links and we had arrived at some minimal wording to bring departments into the Constitution.

Our draft text is:

Departments are the essential operational units of BanklessDAO. Within a Department there may be several related work streams. New Departments may be created and seek funding via the proposal framework.

The rationale is that we want to minimise the operational language. Something to consider in this particular bDIP.

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Thanks for the work you do. this update looks good. no objection here.