Title: [bDIP-04: Departments
Scope : Major Change
Draft Authors: thinkDecade #7181,
Working Group: thinkDecade #7181
Editors : @Sprinklesforwinners @Jengajojo
Define Department
Outline Department formation
Add Department to: BanklessDAO/bankless-dao-constitution - Under DAO Organisational Units
Let’s dig in🍴
Even though the DAO has fully integrated Departments as one of its organizational units. The Constitution is yet to be updated to reflect this structural change. Let’s get Departments into the Constitution. Shall we?
Departments are new organizational units of the DAO. They were implement just before the community ratified the BanklessDAO/bankless-dao-constitution . The constitution has not been updated to reflect their existence yet. Departments first appeared here An Idea For Team Taxonomy aka WTF is a Guild? - Governance - Bankless DAO . The
idea of departments gradually gained community consensus and finally got implemented in season 6.
Constition Update
Current form
Definition of Department
Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO. The qualification test for a department is that if it does not exist, the DAO cannot function properly or may cease to exist!
Formation of New Department
Departments exist to ensure the functioning and operational needs of the DAO. A new department may be formed if it has been sufficiently determined that the going concern of the DAO is threatened without the existence of this new Department. For a new Department to be formed, the following conditions must be taken into account:
1. The new department cannot be a workstream under or part of an existing department Consider: The new Department should be separate from any existing guilds/Departments.
2. Must clearly satisfy the definition of a Department: Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO.
Formation procedure
Go through standard DAO governance processes(Soft consensus >formal proposal>snapshot)
1.Discuss and get consensus from the community.
2.Present proposal on the forum for further community discussion and consensus. Use the Department proposal template provided by the DAO.
3. Head over to GC to justify funding requirements.
4. Proposal must go through snapshot for final consensus.
DAO Organizational Units
Further Details
Definition of Department
Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO. The qualification test for a department is that if it does not exist, the DAO cannot function properly or may cease to exist! An Idea For Team Taxonomy aka WTF is a Guild? - Governance - Bankless DAO
Formation of Departments
Departments exist to ensure the functioning and operational needs of the DAO. A new department may be formed if it has been sufficiently determined that the going concern of the DAO is threatened without the existence of this new Department. For a new Department to be formed, the following conditions must be taken into account:
- The new department cannot be a workstream under or part of an existing department Consider: The new Department should be separate from any existing guilds/Departments.
- Must clearly satisfy the definition of a Department: Departments are operation-critical units of BanklessDAO.
Formation procedure - Go through standard DAO governance processes!
Discuss and get consensus from the community.
Present proposal on forum for further community discussion and consensus. Use the Department proposal template - Department Funding Template - Grants/Funding - Bankless DAO
Head over to GC to justify funding requirements.
Send proposal to snapshot for final consensus.
- Soft Consensus
Initial and thorough discussions within the community to gauge support and general alignment. Discussion may happen within various guilds/departments and on CC. During this stage, the individual/workgroup proposing the creation of the new department may work closely with the OPs department to ensure alignment and ensure that there are no workstreams working on the same or a similar thing.
- Formal proposal
If the community has a template for departments proposal, use template to draft a forum proposal for the creation of the new department.
- Snapshot
Proposal moves to snapshot for voting.
Codification of departments into the Constitution.
Increased clarity on the formation process of new departments.
- Community feedback and update where necessary.
- Move to snapshot for vote.
- Update the Constitution.
@thinkDecade is an everyday contributor at BanklessDAO and Bankless Africa​:dart:
POLL- Do you accept this bDIP?
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- I need some clarity before I can vote