Title : bDIP 05 (Minor = Change; expands but remains compatible with the previous versions)[poll
Authors : Sprinklesforwinners, p8ul.eth, trewkat
Editors : links,
bDIP Summary:
The Funding section of the BanklessDAO Constitution states:
“Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote.”
However, the Constitution does not acknowledge the existence of departments; nor does it give any guidance on the criteria that guilds (or departments, by omission) are required to meet to “pass the Grants Committee review process”. The DAO currently uses member-based seasonal guild funding, a method of funding which was voted on in Season 5 and subsequently enacted in Season 6. That vote also ratified the need for departments to provide a detailed budget for seasonal funding.The Constitution should reflect this method of funding guilds and departments going forward.
In addition, the Constitution text should be further clarified to ensure the method for seeking seasonal and/or mid-season project funding is distinguished from that of funding guilds and departments.
- The concept of member-based funding was first introduced during Season 3 in the Forum proposal: Guilds As Professional Associations: a new funding model.
- In Season 4, the Team Taxonomy Forum post provided a refined definition of guilds and articulated the formation of departments as essential services. That Forum post suggested that guilds be funded based on active member numbers as defined by each guild, and that departments be funded based on itemized budget requests.
- During Season 5, the Member-Based Guild Funding Forum post put forward the rationale and broad criteria for guilds to calculate active members.
- Season 6 was the first season that used member-based funding. Guilds determined their own criteria for active membership and shared their criteria, calculation, and list of active members with the DAO on their Season 6 Forum posts.
- The intention of enabling guilds to set their own formula and “show their work” was to do an analysis after the fact to see what criteria, if any, should be used when determining “active members”. The output from this analysis was then shared and voted on as seen below in the results of the Member-Based Guild Funding Retrospective.
The Member-Based Guild Funding Retrospective produced the following poll results:
What do you believe that time window for activity should be?:
- 67% of the community voted for: 3 months (1 season).
Do you believe that meeting attendance should be counted as active membership?
- 58% of the community voted for: No, meeting attendance alone should not be counted as active membership.
How do you think guilds should be tracking activity?
- 68% of the community voted: That Guilds should track tasks/bounties/attendance to determine active members.
Proposed Update to the Seasonal Budgets section of the BanklessDAO Constitution & Community Handbook
The current Seasonal Budgets section under Funding states:
Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote. If this budget is approved then the DAO multi-signers are responsible for issuing disbursements in line with the approved budget.
This bDIP proposes that the wording should be updated. Suggested new wording is in bold text but will not be bold in the document:
Seasonal Budgets
Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and departments must submit a funding proposal to the Forum for the Grants Committee to review.
- Guilds and Departments must submit a funding proposal which describes progress made the previous season as well as plans for the next season.
- Guild funding proposals must include a list of active members, ensuring that active members have been calculated using the following agreed criteria:
- The ‘activity window’ for active membership is one BanklessDAO season.
- Active membership is not achieved solely through meeting attendance.
- Guilds should track a combination of tasks / bounties / and attendance to determine active members.
- Each guild’s seasonal funding will be calculated using the following formula:
- 260,000 BANK (equivalent to 4 role x 5 hours x 13 weeks)
- 13,000 BANK (Notion administrator role)
- (# active members) x 10,000 BANK
…up to a maximum of 1,000,000 BANK per guild
- Department funding proposals must include a detailed accounting from the previous season and a detailed budget for the next season.
All active member calculations will be reviewed by the Grants Committee. Guilds must be able to produce the exact active member calculation criteria upon request by any Level 1 member of the DAO.
Funding proposals may have funding levels adjusted at the discretion of the Grants Committee. The guild and department funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote. If this budget is approved then the DAO multi-signers are responsible for issuing disbursements in line with the approved budget.
Previously funded projects are able to request additional funding on a seasonal basis but this does not form part of the seasonal guild and department funding process. Project teams (new or existing) should follow the process for a Grants Request as mentioned in the Formal Proposals section, including reaching the quorum set by Grants Committee as detailed in that section of the Constitution.
Next Steps
Through this bDIP, gain consensus to adjust the wording of the Constitution.
According to the current Constitution, the quorum for this governance update is 51 votes, and at least 70% approval in order for it to proceed to a Snapshot vote.
- Yes
- No
0 voters