bDIP 05 Adding Member Based funding to Grants Committee Review process

Title : bDIP 05 (Minor = Change; expands but remain compatible with the previous versions)

Authors : Sprinklesforwinners, p8ul.eth

Editors : links

bDIP Summary:

The BanklessDAO Constitution states:

“Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote.”

However, the Constitution does not give any guidance on how to do this. We currently use member-based funding. This method of funding has previously been voted on and enacted in season 6. The constitution should reflect this way of funding going forward.


Member based funding was first introduced during season 3 in the forum proposal, Guilds As Professional Associations: a new funding model.

Season 4, the Team Taxonomy forum post, provides us with the definition of Guilds and Departments.

During season 5, this forum post showed us the rationale and the need to calculate active members.

Season 6 was the first season that used member-based funding. Guilds had to determine their own criteria for active membership. Guilds chose their own way to define “active members”, and shared their criteria, calculation, and list of active members with the DAO on their seasonal forum posts (you can find a list of forum posts here: S6 Funding Requests). The intent behind letting guilds set their own formula and “show their work” was to do an analysis after the fact to see what criteria, if any, should be used when determining “active members”.

The output from this was then shared and voted on as seen below in the member based funding retrospective.


The member based funding retrospective produced the following poll results:

When polled :

  • What do you believe that time window for activity should be?:
    • 67% of the community voted :
      • 3 months (1 season).

When polled :

  • Do you believe that meeting attendance should be counted as active membership?
    • 58% of the community voted :
      • No, meeting attendance alone should not be counted as active membership.

When polled :

  • How do you think guilds should be tracking activity?
    • 68% of the community voted :
      • That Guilds should track tasks/bounties/attendance to determine active members.

Next Steps

  1. Gain consensus to add the previously voted on polls. This will serve as guidance for how the Grants Committee reviews seasonal funding proposals.
  2. Ops Department to update the Constitution.[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
Do you agree that the Constitution should include member based funding in their seasonal budget review process?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Thank you for the proposal. A couple of questions:

a. How do we come to consensus on what is major, minor or a patch? I suggest each post should have a poll at the end for folks to choose between one of these three options so we receive neutral feedback from the community as opposed to the bias of any given proposer.

b. Where is the BDIP SPECIFICATION section? or what is the exact text that should be added to the constitution?

c. How do we decide where this text should be added in the constitution? OPS does not have the explicit authority to do this


Hey @Jengajojo!

Per the constitution:
Governance quorums are listed below.

Governance Update Forum Quorum Approval % Timeline
Major 63 70% 1 week
Minor 51 70% 1 week
Patch 40 70% 1 week

Per the Constitution:
the bDIP template should be used to propose changes to the contents of this document. Approved bDIPs result in official changes to this handbook and redistribution to the community with appropriately updated semantic versioning numbering where:

  • Major = Changes incompatible with previous versions [X.y.z]
  • Minor = Changes that expand but remain compatible with previous versions [x.Y.z]
  • Patch = Clarifying or grammatical changes that don’t materially alter substance [x.y.Z]

Per the constitution:
The final step in the governance process is a Snapshot vote. Snapshot is an off-chain token voting tool. If a proposal has met the required quorum and approval threshold on the Forum, it will progress to a DAO-wide Snapshot vote. Snapshot proposals run for 7 days and require >66% approval. If the passing proposal is a Grants Request, DAO treasury multi-signers will be prompted to initiate the transaction in accordance with the passed proposal request.** If the passing proposal is a bDIP, OpsGuild will be prompted to update the Constitution and Community Handbook source in version control and a new version of the Handbook will be made available to the community. **

The constitution now states * Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote.*
If this passes, would update to say, * Before new seasons begin, all previously funded guilds and projects must submit a funding proposal to the forum for the Grants Committee to review. Funding proposals that pass the Grants Committee review process, that is determined seasonally by forum vote, are packaged together in a single seasonal budget Snapshot vote.*

What are your thoughts?

1 Like

Thank you for pointing out the quorums @Sprinklesforwinners

My questions was not about quorums, but about how we agree if any given update is major, minor or patch? is it ultimately upto the multi-sig to decide: @Icedcool ?

Thank you for pointing this out. This reinforces my question, what is the exact text that should be added or edited?

As you have clearly pointed out, the constitution offers no guidance on where and how we decide to add new text.

:no_entry_sign: This Forum post has been replaced with an updated version of the bDIP 05 proposal: Member Based Funding bDIP 05 - minor


this isn’t a bDIP if it is not using the template and suggesting an improvement to the actual text in the constitution and community handbook

this post is the one that is announced in the discord