Community Call Revamp for Season 3

Community Call is in dire need of an upgrade! Thank you for writing this :pray:

I do have a few notes:

  • Currently, the CC opening + governance updates take about 10-15 minutes, including basic CTAs (POAPs, Newsletter), announcements (Olympus, Coordinape, Seasonal planning) and governance forum posts. Cutting this down to 5 minutes will end up rushing a lot of this, and governance will likely be cut.

  • Overall, we need more “celebration” in our Community Calls. We need to highlight people, releases, and accomplishments. IMO, people should walk away from the community call thinking “LFG, WGMI.” Typically, we’ve seen this with major project launches like DAOpunks, DEGEN being deployed to 40 servers, and Bankless Academy going live. The problem I foresee is who gets to decide which projects get to have speaking-time? For instance, with your FC example - If FC gets to announce they’re hosting an event, what happens when DAOversity wants to do the same? Or Writers Guild wants to mention they’re hosting an amphitheater event with Adam? In my mind, I see three options:

    • We set a severely limiting heuristic, like “Only major product releases or launches”
    • We have a planning committee that gets to make executive decision.
    • We let the DAO decide in a poll, which will require greater coordination
      (Keep in mind, Ops Guild runs CC - Myself, Lucas, Joe - and so this work will fall on us.)
  • I like the idea of a keynote and Q&A, but I think it needs to be shorter. The format you’re describing is basically Cryptosapiens and… well, we already have Cryptosapiens. I’ve had conversations with people that have read this proposal that have expressed that this format doesn’t appeal to them and they’ll likely leave while others (in this forum post) prefer the speaker format. I think we need to strike a balance between updates vs. speaking.

    • We also have the same issue in my previous bullet, except even more pronounced. How do we decide who gets to speak? CCs are, arguably, when much of the DAO’s attention is collectively focused, making it extremely valuable time.
  • We 100% cannot move to a new format until we have a project newsletter set up. Additionally, the newsletter team should provide support and best practices for guilds to create their own newsletter.

Overall, this is a fantastic step in the right direction. Writers Guild and Dev Guild moving in this direction further signals the effectiveness/demand for async updates and a renewed focus on synchronous community building.

Here’s what I want to counter propose:
1-10min: Moderator opens
10-30 min: Moderator invites up to 4 key project leaders with clear action items and needs of immediate help.
30-55 min: Keynote speaker w/ Q&A or roundtable
55-60min: Closing thoughts from the moderator.

  • Moderators are L2s that hand-raise to do so
  • Projects would submit a form to the Ops Guild and CC coordinators would decide which 4 projects will provide the update
  • Moderators decide what the keynote or roundtable topic is. They cannot highlight a project they are a part of, they must highlight something else going on in the DAO.
  • Hard Yes
  • Soft Yes
  • Neutral
  • Soft No
  • Hard No

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