Title: [TEMP CHECK] GC - Community Call Update Requirement
Authors: Icedcool, Links
Squad: Grants Committee
Date Posted: 10/6/23
- The DAO is up to cool things!
- Because of how big the DAO is and different silos, it is hard to know what is happening in the different org units.
- To support awareness, the GC is proposing a new requirement for funding, that all org units do an update on the CC once a month as part of their seasonal responsibilities.
- This will enable:
- Informational awareness of the activities of different units
- DAO contributor involvement
- Funding efforts for the GC through awareness of different group activities
- The CC call as a place to learn all the initiatives at the DAO, as well as successes or challenges/needs
- This will enable:
The CC call is an important meeting for the DAO, that serves as a place to update the community about different org unit initiatives, garner involvement from contributors, and celebrate successes or highlight challenges and needs.
During the last seasonal funding round, the Grants committee found that there was an information gap in terms of what groups were doing (a lot of cool stuff!) and general awareness.
As a result, the Grants Committee is proposing a seasonal requirement that all org units create slides on the Community Call once monthly with an update on activities.
This will support the CC call in serving its purpose as a key organization point for the DAO.
- Monthly create slides with a general update on the org unit as a funding KPI.
- When requesting funding, include links to the CC slides during which contain the DAO unit updates.
Temp Check
GC Vote
- Approve
- Abstain
- Reject