Community Call Streaming/Recording

Title: Community Call Streaming/Recording

Authors: Soundman#6783

Date: Dec 14, 2021


  • 2000 Bank per week for Soundman to continue Recording and Streaming Community Calls


From season zero to current Soundman has recorded and or streamed every BanklessDAO community call and is happy to have offered that service with no expectation of compensation. Going forward for Season 3 onward he believes this should be a compensated role.


The sole purpose of this is to help the DAO’s messaging by recording and streaming the community calls.


The following will be done each week for the CC

  • Record and Stream The Google Doc Slides during the community Calls advancing the slides as needed
  • Channels streamed to will include the DAO Twitch channel and the DAO Youtube channel (once we get the youtube channel streaming working properly)
  • Upload the recordings to Youtube so we have a place for people who missed the calls to watch them as well as an archive.


Soundman will receive a lump sum at the end of the season for 2000 Bank per week where there was a community call. If Soundman cannot make a call he will be responsible for paying that weeks Bank allocation to someone he trusts to cover for him.

I believe currently Season 3 is set for 13 weeks so total financial implication would be 26,000 Bank for Season 3.


Easily measured by seeing if the Calls are streamed to twitch and uploaded to youtube each week.


If approved Soundman will continue recording and streaming community calls and will start uploading new calls to youtube after recording.


Soundman has shown he is capable of doing this as he has been the sole entity responsible for it since the beginning of the DAO.

  • Approve
  • Don’t Approve

0 voters

Thank you for your service every week! For real!

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Hey Soundman! So right now, community calls are housed under Ops Guild. Would you be cool with having us include the 26K in our budget for recording and uploading?

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That would be fine by me. I didn’t know the best way to go about it so I wrote this up real quick. If it’s something op’s can approve without going through a proposal like this whatever is easier is totally fine by me.