First Quest Season 3 Proposal and Deliverables Update

Title: First Quest


Champions: angyts#1036, Behold#1783, frogmonkee#6855

Date: 9 December 2021

Aim of this workgroup:

Improving the onboarding experience in BanklessDAO

Brief update of work done this season 2:

:white_check_mark: Mad Hatter Bot is now delivering the First Quest Messages via DM
:white_check_mark: DAO wide Talent Coordinators meeting and Office hours channel has been setup
:white_check_mark: New Joiner Sessions First Dry Run conducted, First real session in 2 weeks time
:white_check_mark: How to Discord Sessions done by the Crypto Mentors in Education Guild
:white_check_mark: First Quest Landing Page to be deployed on our website
:white_check_mark: First Quest Social Media Twitter Account


Huge dropoff from the first to the last stage of first quest, see forum post.

Onboarding of talents into a project and guild remains one of the top “complaints”.

Discord is extremely overwhelming for new joiners.

Season 3 Focus:

  1. Thepsychguy:
  • First Quest Content Development: To support dynamic content, forks in the road and ultimately a “Build your own Adventure” experience, similar to how working in BanklessDAO is.
  1. Behold: Mad Hatter discord bot upgrade and partnership with Gateway
  • Dynamic content to allow “forks in the road”
  • Role management, to allow assigning of guild and project roles
  • Integrate onboarding into guilds and projects
  • Multi-language support
  • Mad Hatter ping back to check about feedback or encourage to do socials
  1. Angyts: Second Talent Coordinators meeting

  2. Angyts: Scaling New Joiner Call

  • Goal: 50% of onboarded members participate in a New Joiner Call
  • Develop content
  • Handover asynchronous portions to Bankless Academy
  • Handover synchronous portions to Education guild crypto mentors

Season 3 Stretch Goals

These are listed under stretch goals as we do not have a champion who has bandwidth to lead them. If we can have a champion, who can step up, who has bandwidth, who can commit till the end of season 3, we would like to invite you to the team. Otherwise, we will fund this via bounties and place lower priorities.

  1. Marketing First Quest, to bounty out to marketing guild
  • Share experiences about joining BanklessDAO, everything that goes before joining is also part of First Quest.
  1. Start multi-language support content translation, to bounty out to translator’s guild
  2. Initiate research into the metaverse, consider creating an alternate universe in a 3D space for onboarding, to bounty out to research guild.
  • I agree with the first quest priorities in the season 3
  • I do not agree with the first quest priorities in the season 3
0 voters

The team is currently calculating the funding spent this season and will add on this post with the funding request at a later date.

On a side note, if you feel you can take up any of the stretch goals and join our team as a champion, please DM any of the champions and join our weekly calls.

--------------------- Forum post updated with the funding as below ---------------------

Season 2 Funding

Most of the funding has been spent and flagged for spending.
We estimate a 60,000 $BANK surplus from season 2.

Season 3 Funding request: 242,000 $BANK

Notion page here for full breakdown.

In line with our 3 main thrusts in season 3 with the 3 main champions in our project:

First thrust: Content Development and allowing for “Forks in the Road”, headed by Thepsychguy. Funding Request for 80,000 $BANK

This will fund bounties to the design and writer’s guild to help us create content for a more dynamic onboarding process. Think of a “build your own adventure” type of fun onboarding experience.

Second thrust: Software development to support our content, headed by Behold. Funding Request for 60,000 $BANK

The first quest team is now in discussion with the mad hatter/degen team, as well as the gateway team (a different team compared to content gateway team building a mobile app headed by 0xNSHuman). The team will eventually decide based on which software can bring us the best onboarding experience with the best mileage.

Third thrust: New Joiners Call, headed by Angyts. Already funded in season 2 for a year.

We had one dry run of the new joiner’s session with good feedback. We are planning to move some portions of this call to be asynchronous on the bankless academy with a workshop part and “cheat sheets” portion being synchronous.

The New Joiners Sessions will begin running more regularly from season 3, every 2 weeks. We would like every single person in the BanklessDAO to join at least once if you haven’t. The focus in season 3 would be to scale this to accomodate more people joining.

The funding should be enough for at least a year, and with $BANKs appreciating, we might have enough to run these sessions for eternity.

Additional items

  • Translation work by jengajojo🏴#5896, for 12,000 BANK (5 major languages)
  • Bounty pool, 50,000 BANK

Milestone compensation

100,000 BANKs for the entire team for achieving all the milestones set out in season 3 to be shared amongst the champions and contributors to the team that has not been compensated by bounties.
Champions are Behold, Angyts, ThePsychGuy and Frogmonkee.

(Frogmonkee is a regular contributor to our team, just that we are happy that he is here, we don’t want to load him with extra work. Thanks frog!)

BanklessDAO Strong!

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I can assist with a liaison role to marketing until a real and more qualified champion can be found


Intrigued by:
Initiate research into the metaverse, consider creating an alternate universe in a 3D space for onboarding, to bounty out to research guild.
Seems like a massive metaverse project - looking forward to see what this brings.


I believe that the New Joiners calls alone will solve much of the churn problems—I was very impressed with the dry run. I think moving the games/quiz section to BEFORE the breakout rooms makes sense, because people should get to chat and hangout in breakout rooms for as long as they like—then the call can wrap up as people want, and new members can hop in other breakout rooms to meet each other.

If the efforts in this post are successful and we reduce the churn, then we will have more people coming into the individual guilds. That will require well-built onboarding strategies in the individual guilds to handle the influx of members. I’m wondering what the best way to support guilds’ talent scouts will be in Season 3. I’m also wondering if every guild already has some kind of talent scout or method of onboarding in place—because if they don’t, they won’t be prepared for the influx of people. I don’t have an answer to the guild onboarding issue yet. But I probably have a forum post in me somewhere about this.

I am in full support of this first quest revamp. It’s necessary and difficult work, which this squad is handling beautifully. But I’m wondering how guilds will handle all the new members coming in, and if there’s something we could do to support them. Once First Quest gets better, Guild onboarding must get better across the entire DAO.


I would like to suggest all members of the “lurker squad” be converted into something like this. A post I shared on the First Quest channel

What can we do for these people? Do we even want to? Viking reminded me today that we are not here to onboard 1B people into the DAO…but to Defi. What can they do to positively impact the DAO if they have no skills that are required? It is hard to find a role within the dao as they all require specific skill sets that not everyone can do. The cream rises to the top as you can see by the recent First Quest KPI forum post, but what if we had something for the majority to do? Tasks that are given to make them feel accomplished while also helping the DAO? something akin to a “Twitter Army” or something similar. Some kind of First Quest Army that can socially influence and promote the dao. For example. Crypto Sapians drops a new podcast. he now has 2-3 k downloads, retweets, shares, and likes and every member that does so gets a poap, or nft, or .1 bank, voting privileges’, or just whatever the incentive structure would be. It would be rewarding, provide a sense of accomplishment, and they are genuinely helping the DAO with out leading a panel or working on a specific project or guild.

Just spit ballin ideas. Trying to be of use :wink: Perhaps this would help out talent scouts with the influx of new members who dont have the specific skills required for guild work and to avoid telling them to go kick rocks because their under qualified


thanks everyone for your feedbacks! I’ve updated the forum post with the funding requests for season 3.

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I agree! I am a newcomer, but I also support angyts! I believe the community will bring us a better experience! Let us newcomers make progress faster!