This is a discussion regarding repercussions regarding members in bDAO. Specifically, @Whales, the Coordinape Admin since the beginning of Season 6.
I believed at first, that it was possible that Whales was not given the tools to succeed. That situation may still be true. However, due to recent issues that have come to light, I believe that we need to take a deeper look at what to do about this situation.
I believe that we need to look into different repercussions surrounding the behavior of the recent Coordinape Admin, Whales, during the December DAO-Wide Coordinape (hereafter mentioned as “Coordinape”).
As we know, there have been numerous issues uncovered with respect to the December Coordinape, resulting in the added work of many including @Sprinklesforwinners @brian @links @LiviuC and more, to try and rectify the situation. While many of those issues have been realized, and solutions are in the works, There were two specific issues uncovered that need to be addressed with potential repercussions.
There are two instances regarding Impersonation of two bDAO L2 Members, Tomahawk, and Shaun(Danicng Penguin).
Exhibit A, @tomahawk was impersonated - WIP - Findings from the data surrounding Season 6 December Coordinape - Google Docs
Exhibit B, @dancingpenguin.eth was impersonated - Coordinape S6 - Google Docs
These attached forms show evidence that Whales used the Coordinape Form process to create a Coordinape Entry for both himself, and Tomahawk. You can see this by the same entry id being used for both of them.
The second set of forms also show that there was a change that occurred with respect to Shaun’s coordinape entry, that did not get cleared out of the previous coordinape.
I am using this platform due to the response that was received in the Coordinape Workstream. I do not believe that this is a situation that needs to be passed by, and it needs to be discussed.
What do we do about members who acted with malicious intent? What do we do when members are unknowingly malicious in their actions?
The evidence shows that Whales abused his privilege as a Coordinape Admin, for financial, and potentially governance-based gain. What does that mean for how we vet role holders in the future? What does this mean for how we vet contributors now?
I believe that a possible consequence of this action should be the removal of his L2 tag. Another possibility could be to strip him from roles that he is connected to. Especially Coordinape involved roles.
He has shown that he is not a contributor, and his actions were not aligned with the DAO. I do not have the bandwidth to create a proposal at this very moment, as I believe there are internal channels that can discuss this situation.
For those who are asking about why I have presented this on forums, instead of in discord where he can have a chance to explain himself, see the coordinape workstream on Discord. I have attached that link below.
As well, I hope that we can spend Season 7 reflecting on how we can truly decide how contributors can maintain integrity.
In the pursuit of equality, we all have to look out for each other.
Thank you all for your time. This will be followed up soon with more information regarding Coordinape.