I am glad that this topic was raised, as I had similar thoughts recently regarding the fuzzy mission of the DAO.
I agree that a clear mission is important. It is the base on which all decisions can rest.
A couple of weeks ago, I was performing one of my rituals for personal well-being involving medical herbs, meditation and natural movements of the body when the seed of an idea was channeled into my mind in the midst of an Adho Mukha Shvanasana.
Like an enthusiastic plantsman, I prepared the soil of my mind and body by taking a Siddhasana pose and inhaled another hit of vaporized fertilizer to help the seed germinate and grow in me.
What I saw in the vision that appeared amidst the clouds was the BanklessDAO standing strong on top of the Ether, holding in its firm yet comforting, reassuring and reliable embrace, the community of the World.
The DAO held its two arms open to anyone that needed assistance in navigating the Dark Forest, and offered Truth to anyone that sought it.
The two arms of the DAO were Analytics and Media. A source of reliable information, masterfully strained and filtered from the sea of noise all around us.
Why Analytics?
The amount of information stemming from the fast pace of development in the space is staggering. However, the signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Even for a team of people, it can take a long time to triage it and separate the valuable data.
At BanklassDAO, we have an ever-increasing amount of crypto native people that consume blockchain related meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, some for a midnight snack as well.
I think that the DAO should expand its gathering of information from all public mediums and private connections, and subsequently spend time and resources to analyze it. This data can then be offered as a valuable product to people and other DAOs to be used in their strategies and goals.
Raw information is valuable, extracting the gold from this raw information is invaluable for the always constrained of time modern world.
Why Media?
We must continue to follow the steps of the Bankless fathers that conceived us from their love for Truth.
One of the most powerful organizations in this day and age are media companies. Imagine what an open, decentralized, immutable, fair, and truthful media can bring to the world.
The last decade has showed us how important truth is. Nothing really valuable can be accomplished in this world if it doesn’t come from an honest, factual and as close to reality place.
We can use the Media arm to provide truth, facts and values for a better world.
I think that we should focus on Analytics and Media for now. As the DAO grows, like a true Hindu god, the arms and capabilities of the DAO may grow as well.