Title: The Bankless DAO Should Host This Art Show
Authors: cart_collector#6264
Squad: cart_collector#6264
Date Created: 16.7.21
Date Posted: 16.7.21
I propose we host Values, Layers, Communities: 2,809 Free Paintings in context. The exhibition features a fascinating art piece and exciting speakers. The art show will bring attention and people to the DAO and solidify our image as patrons of the arts.
Why are you making this proposal? What problem or opportunity does this proposal target? What are the driving factors behind why you think this is a good idea?
There are 3 reasons why I want to host the event here:
The event will solidify our DAO as a patron of the arts. Having a “serious” exhibition will make us look classy
The event will invite a lot of crypto people to our lobby. Many of them might get curious and decide to continue with the next steps to become full members.
But most importantly we should host the show because it is very tight and will be so much fun! In 1 hour, we have four speakers with very different backgrounds talking about four slightly different topics.
There is no doubt that NFTs are a massive drive to adoption. In fact, I’ve been talking to my offline friends for years about Ethereum and DeFi but it was NFTs that made them join me.
All in all, it is just a show. If we host a bad show people will forget it right away. If we host a good show people will associate that feeling with the DAO itself. And if we host a great show, we will make history.
We will invite our guests to our Discord server. Since they will not have access to the server, we will have the event in our “lobby” (Level 0). I already spoke privately with @AboveAverageJoe who gave thumbs up about this idea.
When the show starts (3rd of August 21:00 UTC), we will make a call, and the event will start. First, we will give out POAPs. Then I will announce the first speaker.
The first speaker is Josh Rosenthal, with whom you might remember from the Crypto Renaissance Bankless podcast episode. He will talk about high-level connections between art, power, technology, etc.
Then Ali Spagnola (the artist) will speak about her art and her process.
Then I will talk about living a permissionless life - working in a DAO, interacting with Ethereum, and having conversations in public.
Last but not least, Tam Gryn is Director of Fine Arts at rally.io and Head curator at Showfields. She will speak about the piece itself. Check it out!
Once we all agree that you want to have the event hosted here, I will start sending custom invitations to other DAOs.
No funding is necessary! It is a one-time event.
The Bankless logo will be used on the invitations which I will send to the other DAOs. It will be something like “Location: the bankless DAO Discord Server”
It will be hard to measure “success” since “enjoyment” is a subjective characteristic, but having a lot of people in attendance will be a success.
I will create and send invitations to other DAOs. The art show will be held on the 3rd of August at 21:00 UTC.
Full disclosure: I own the NFT. However, I am not doing all this to make money off it. The only way I can prove this is by arranging for the NFT to be moved in a multisig, which is something that I will do if the community asks me to.
My motivation behind this event is to make people understand and appreciate a really good piece of art, to learn something new, to make them think, to enjoy a good show, to spread the word about how awesome the Bankless DAO is, and finally - to show everyone what an incredible taste for art I have
POLL (Discourse Post Usage Only)
- Host the exhibition
- Don’t host the exhibition
0 voters