Analytics Guild Proposal for Season 4

Analytics Guild Season 4 Funding Request

Authors: Mamer, paul_apivat, and fwens

Reviewers: RTJ

Created Date: Mar 16, 2022

Last Revised: Apr 6

Table of Contents:
Season 4 Goals
Season 4 Roles
Role Incentive Overview
Season 4 Bounty Budget
Total Budget


Our mission is to provide the tooling and talent to provide insights that enable BanklessDAO and the wider DAO ecosystem to grow and flourish.

We aspire to help Bankless DAO answer fundamental questions by enabling our guild members to leverage data.

Season 4 Goals


  • Continuing to onboarding new talent and building analytical capacity
  • Continuing to support other guilds within Bankless DAO
  • Developing external partnerships
  • Building standard metrics and operationalizing reporting

Season 4 Roles

Proposed Roles:*

*Governance Note: First, we’ll move to ratify these roles on the Discourse Forum. Once the seasonal spec is approved, we will open applications for these roles.

  • Guild Spokesperson, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week

    • Report out weekly, seasonally
    • Organize and run weekly sync
    • Support operations
  • Guild Operations, 10 hours X 1000 BANK = 10000 BANK per week

    • Facilitate applications and voting processes along
    • Facilitate governance and treasury management
    • Update Notion, Sobol mapping
    • Draft Seasonal Spec (shared task)
    • POAPs (creation, distribution, etc.)
  • Guild Knowledge Facilitator, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week

    • Host bi-monthly knowledge sharing sessions
    • Find and coordinate with people to share knowledge through bounties
    • Create Learn-to-Earn bounties (i.e., people learn about a topic to present)
  • Guild Talent Coordinator, 10 hours X 1000 BANK = 10000 BANK per week

    • Welcome new members and be primary point of contact
    • Create small scale discrete data-related tasks to onboard talent (i.e., Guest analysts)
    • Create Analyze-to-Earn bounties
    • Track, maintain and record the engagement of Community Analysts and Guest Analysts.
  • Guild Ambassador, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week

    • Develop partnership with other guilds and external parties
    • Develop ways to collaborate with other parties (i.e., MetricsDAO, FlipSideCrypto, Dune Analytics)
    • Support operations
  • Software Engineer & Infrastructure, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week

    • Identify and evaluate potential infrastructure/software platforms
    • Install/manage analytics tools and database infrastructure
    • Customize tools to fit guild needs
    • Handle emergency devops issues
    • Share devops knowledge with interested guild members
  • Data Engineer, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week

    • Data processing, data QA/QC, etc.
    • Data dictionary
    • Data governance
  • Community Analysts, 5 hours X 1000 BANK = 5000 BANK per week or Per Bounty

    • Develop relationships with other guilds and guild leaders on analytics of interests
    • Host community calls to gather ideas and information from DAO members to create an idea pool for future projects and activities
    • Help other guilds develop strategies based on analyzed data.
    • Analyze data to provide insights to stakeholders
    • Seasonal Twitter Spaces update
  • Guild Notion Administrator, 1 hours X 1000 BANK = 1000 BANK per week

    • Manage Notion user group (i.e. add/remove users)
    • Manage Notion page group (i.e. permissions of pages)
    • Report and remediate intrusions with support from the Notion Administrator
  • Guest Analysts, Open Bounties (paid per bounty)

    • Complete smaller discrete bounties
    • Complete analyze-to-earn or learn-to-earn tasks that are created by the Knowledge facilitator and Talent coordinator
    • Seasonal Twitter Spaces update

Role Incentive Overview

Assuming a 13 week season

Season 4 Bounty Budget

The goal of bounties for Season 4 is to identify two to three meaningful projects that solve problems for the Analytics Guild or DAO overall each month and focus on incentivizing completion. We will focus on placing bounties in the reward range of 500-3000 BANK per bounty. We believe this bounty structure could provide more meaningful contributions and motivate non-active DAO members to contribute their time, skill, and effort. We also believe it will increase organic membership growth and will encourage those holding guest passes to contribute.

Any unused BANK at the end of the season will be rolled over into the next season or used at the discretion of the guild for remuneration or a Coordinape round.

In the case that certain roles do not receive sufficient applications, we will pay out for roles that do get applied for and pool unused funds into a Coordinape round to be distributed among active guild members

Season 4 KPIs

  • Number of New Members onboarded (levels & roles)
  • Number of Bounties created, claimed, submitted, and reviewed
  • Number of Knowledge Sessions (count of sessions);
  • Amount of BANK bountied towards Knowledges Sessions
  • Monitor and increase attendance in weekly sync calls . (nNNumber of POAPs distributed) for weekly sync calls
  • Monitor and increase participation in guild governance (Number of votes on guild governance proposals in guild governance)

Fund Analytics Guild as described above

  • Agree
  • Disagree - Feeback below

0 voters

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Migrated to Season 4 Guild Proposals.

Thanks for the proposal - how many active members do you have in the analytics guild?

I’d say about 10-15 with 7 paid roles in Season 3.

The math seems off in that screenshot? 60 hours = 65k?

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It’s a much higher ask per member than other guilds, with 9 paid roles for 10-15 people. Do you really need all these roles?

There seems to be some overlap; guild ambassador and guild spokesperson and community analyst all seem to have overlapping roles. Data engineer and software dev are interesting - what kind of infrastructure are you running apart from DAO Dash?

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