AV Guild Season 10 Funding Request

Authors: 0xZFi
Editors: Anthony ZombieShepherd
Date: November 11, 2023
Wallet surplus: 280,650 BANK
Funds requested: 0 BANK
Multisig: Mainnet Safe{Wallet} – Assets
Multisig signers: AV Multisig Notion Page

Guild Description & Mission/Value Alignment

The AV Guild manages and curates the BanklessDAO YouTube. With well-updated, quality-produced content, we can reach more people with resources to help them “go bankless.”

The AV Guild can also be accessed for meeting recording, streaming, and other services. In this way, we can support efforts toward documentation, transparency, archival, and education.

If members are interested in developing their AV skills, training classes can be provided to upskill and retain talent.

Seasonal Summary

Previous Season Activities

  • Twitch livestreaming of every weekly Community Call
  • Recording and YouTube archival of every weekly Community Call
  • Brought two of From Aa to Zzz’s podcast series to the BanklessDAO YouTube Channel
  • Began a coordinated effort with Marketing Department to aim for monetization on the YouTube channel
  • Work is in progress on the DAO O’Clock project

Previous Season DAO Updates

Next Season Plan

  • Continue CC coverage
  • Continue to provide support for meeting recordings
  • Focus on YouTube metrics and push for channel monetization
  • Continue to explore and define a department structure
  • Design a documentation and accounting system to track revenue model results

Financial Implications

Previous Season Accounting & Current Holdings

Balances to start S9 530,200 721
S8 PP4 Salaries (60,000)
S8 PP4 Bounties (21,000)
S9 Grant Received 86,700
S9 PP1 Salaries (60,000)
S9 PP1 Bounties (12,000)
Payment Rec’d: GC S9 Meeting Recordings 18,750
Payment Rec’d: DAO O’Clock Project 84,000
October 2023 $SAFE Airdrop Claim 543
S9 PP2 Salaries (60,000)
S9 PP2 Bounties (14,000)
Balance at time of posting 492,650 1,264
Receivable Income: Ops Dept CC Coverage 40,000
Allocated Expense: S9 PP3 Salaries (60,000)
Allocated Expense: S9 PP3 Bounties (26,000)
Allocated Expense: S9 PP4 Salaries (60,000)
Allocated Expense: S9 PP4 Bounties (22,000)
Prepaid Work-in-Progress: DAO O’Clock Project (84,000)
Projected balances to end S9 280,650 1,264

Surplus Details

Included in this surplus is some of the Service Fee revenue the Guild retained from providing services to other subgroups. In Season 10 we want to design a system to track the revenue model metrics to help us better understand and show how the model is performing.

It also includes an unexpected rollover of nearly 100k BANK from the end of Season 8 after tokens that had been previously allocated to bounties for our upskilling experiment were returned to the general treasury balance when the project ended.

Also of note: the full voting power of the AV Guild $SAFE balance is currently delegated to DAO Stewards (dmat-build.pod.xyz).

Funds Requested

Seasonal Guild Funding = 15,000 BANK * 16 weeks = 240,000 BANK

Because our current 280,650 BANK surplus is greater than the 240,000 BANK seasonal funding calculation, AV Guild is not requesting any additional funds for S10 Seasonal Funding.

Budget Breakdown

BANK, seasonally
Guild Coordinator Salary 112,000
Talent Coordinator Salary 112,000
Notion Admin Salary 16,000
Baseline Operational Bounties 80,000
Additional Request Bounties Based on demand

Third-Party Funding and External Revenue

The AV Guild has been experimenting with a revenue model designed to reduce its dependence on the Grants Committee by adding a 25% Service Fee to the labor cost of jobs that subgroups request from the AV talent pool. The Service Fee is retained by the Guild to help cover salaries and overhead.

Currently, AV Guild provides meeting recording services to the Grants Committee, both streaming and archival of Community Calls and Kick-Offs for the Operations Department, and YouTube uploading services to the International Media Nodes and ETH Global Events. We also have work in progress for the DAO O’Clock Retrofunding Request Project DAO O'Clock Retrofunding Request and we accept requests for review from other DAO subgroups, should they require AV services and need assistance from the AV talent pool.

We do not receive any sponsorships, outside grants, donations, or non-financial benefits and we do not produce any other revenue-generating activity.

Guild Members (7)

  • Anthony ZombieShepherd
  • 0xZFi
  • Tundeeey
  • Droste
  • RedCrystalDragon
  • EurekaJohn
  • Liquidiot

An active member is one who has contributed to the Guild’s activities within the last season…

  • …by holding and fulfilling a role,
  • …through completing bountied tasks, or
  • …by actively signing on the multisig.

This is updated seasonally to reflect actual member activity at the time of grant requests.

Additional Information

AV Guild Notion Page
AV Guild Governance, Roles, and Processes
BanklessDAO YouTube channel
AV Guild Season 9 Payments Log
AV Guild Safe Assets
AV Guild Etherscan Page

Do you approve or disapprove of AV Guild’s funding request for Season 10?
  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • Abstain
0 voters

If you disapprove, please feel encouraged to share your thoughts in the comments.

Hello @0xZFi.eth , thanks for this proposal! I have used AV Guild services many times in the past and appreciate that you’re all here.

I have a question about the DAO’s youtube channel - I have heard that the AV Guild charges groups to put their videos up on the channel - why do you do that? I know you’re trying to generate additional revenue (I’m personally in favour of the 25% service fee), but since the DAO’s YouTube is a community-owned asset, I was worried that this charge would prevent other DAO groups from wanting to create content for the YouTube channel.

The above is not meant as a criticism, just trying to create a discussion about this because I think it’s worth aligning the DAO around these kinds of shared resources.

Appreciate you!


Thank you for your business, sir. :handshake: We’re happy to help!

It is true that the AV Guild charges groups to post videos on the BanklessDAO YouTube channel. This is to cover the labor for the uploading, configuration, and management of the content, and is, on average, about one hour per video. The Guild also adds a 25% Service Fee on top of the labor costs for any work requested, so the total cost to upload a video is 1250 BANK.

:money_with_wings: The 1000 BANK for labor goes directly to the AV Guild contributor who puts in the time to do the actual uploading and setup for the video.
:jar: The additional 250 BANK is retained by the AV Guild to help cover general costs such as role salaries, bounties, or other expenses.

In this way, those who utilize more of the AV Guild’s services contribute more to the costs of having that skilled labor available for requests. Similarly, those who utilize AV Guild least bear little to no burden of the cost of having AV talent around. :balance_scale:

To protect AV contributors, it prevents the abuse of a labor service by adding what amounts to a gas fee to secure the labor “network” and disincentivize unthoughtful or intentionally spammy requests. :shield:

This model, if scaled across other subgroups, provides the additional advantage of the DAO being able to better visualize the financial interconnections between those subgroups. AV Guild will be able to clearly see where their services are used the most and the DAO would similarly be able to see how any one subgroup uses another’s talent, just by looking at multisig activity in a true public-ledger sense.

I believe that these small connections, when scaled, would help escalate the velocity of BANK and lead to a more transparent, autonomous, interconnected-by-default, protocol-like organization. It would help move us away from parallel silos dependent on a single funding bottleneck point, and toward a symbiotic network amplifying each other with our own strengths, arguably putting us on a better trajectory toward a healthier overall DAO ecosystem. :rocket:

Ultimately, this model is an experiment. What we learn from it could have the potential to radically amplify our coordination. :people_holding_hands: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

…Or it could be a pipe dream. :man_shrugging:

Vibe Check-in :point_down:

  • Ok, I’ll bite.
  • Y’all have lost it.
0 voters

This feels like a safe space to try it out, though, right?

  • Right! Live your truth.
  • No! Shut it down.
0 voters

Who should pick up the check for the on-demand upload labor?

  • The party requesting the upload.
  • AV Guild.
  • Someone else. (Please drop any write-ins in the comments.)
0 voters
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I like your vision and ingenuity, ser! I’m excited to see how this model works out for AV.

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