Creation of the Writer's Guild

You could use a sweet open-source tool for tool for this:


@frogmonkee i would love to participate where I can add value. I am in agreement that there is enough momentum that we should continue this effort in the direction of developing a bounty board. I guess the first steps for that would be to do a design sprint with some of our Bankless devs and establish the incentives between both of the staking groups so there is some structural benevolence there. I do think we should put this up for a proposal on snapshot before proceeding with anything else though, just so we have some additional signal from those who are not as involved in this conversation, also we’re establishing precedence for the DAO, so that should not be taken lightly😅

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Agreed there seems to be general consensus for the Writer’s Guild to move forward.

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Just throwing this out there, would love to hear thoughts on this. I’m vaguely familiar with Notion and haven’t used Trello, but I’m very familiar with GitHub. With a Bankless GitHub Org, we could create a repository that would specifically house the bounty board in the projects section. From there, anyone in the org could create an issue from a bounty, fork the repo to work on that issue directly, and invite others to that forked repo if any collaboration is involved. We would need to work with the Bankless devs to get writers added to the Org, but this is may be a way of directly connecting the writing with the bounties. GitHub has built in actions to sync with Notion, and there are workflows to push Ulysses (iPad) writing to GitHub as well.

I’m thinking in terms of organization. I’m happy to help onboard people to this workflow if it makes sense to operate this way and the rest of the community is on board with it.

Anyway, I voted yes here, and I’ll vote yes on an official $BANK vote if it goes that route.

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Just an observation, that the promotion of dubious or clearly biased projects by the writer be avoided, and that there really be impartiality of analysis on the part of the moderators.
I think the proposal is very interesting and I am in favor of it.

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For now, a fast-and-loose rule could be that the person submitting requests cannot fulfil that request. If two parties collude, yeah then it’s not the best mechanism. But I’m willing to forgo edge cases in favor of trusting the community not to steal money.

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