Developer's Guild Season 8 Budget proposal

Authors; Editors: Cisco; LordRanchoatos, Jaux, Paulito, Chameleon, freedo_minant

Date created: 27/03/23

Date posted: 18/03/23

Wallet surplus: 968,500 BANK

Funds requested: none

Multisig: eth:0x623a12CA60D378705fd170A47b6d32C74367501D

Multisig signers: Icedcool, Jaux, Cisco, freedo_minant, Paulito, Pradhumna Pancholi, montgomery


Guild Description

The BanklessDAO Developer’s Guild serves as a focal point for developer talent and developer related activities that support the growth, value, and initiatives of the BanklessDAO community. The guild also serves as an on-ramp for developers into a number of projects and running initiatives within the DAO.

Season 7 Activities

One of the core goals in S7 was to create sustainable infrastructures and governance frameworks to ensure proper talent onboarding and retention suited to guild operations in order to bolster developer participation.

Talent Coordination
To improve the onboarding process, the guild has developed a new, more developer inclined First Quest project.This would be fully implemented next season and tag assignment revisited. Check it out here.
The guild now also has a Twitter account in order to allow external partnerships, collaborations, and accessibility while also engaging with a vibrant external developer community on social media and promoting the guild and the BanklessDAO ideals.
This season, creating engaging activities for guild members has also been a top priority, therefore we’ve used a Kanban Board in Dework to build up and manage the guild’s rewards. Additionally, a forum channel has been added, allowing us to more simply categorize and manage requests from projects and people looking for developer talent and knowledge.

This season, a new meeting time for position holders and governance discussion was instituted because the guild is also keen to talk about governance-related issues to address challenges with governance and come up with beneficial guild activities. The guild’s constitution revision, which intends to address gaps in the current constitution and include updated guild infrastructures and operating procedures, is one significant product of these meetings, and is set to be ratified at the end of the season.

Projects & Activities

This season, we launched the Bankless Stack Project, which is a website that attempts to incorporate the new First Quest and acts as a link between developers looking to get noticed and prospective projects they could participate in. The B-stack project is currently in the Design phase.

We had a Demo session with and are also in the works for a potential PolygonLabs partnership in conjunction with the Marketing Department.

Lastly, we held a logo competition in conjunction with the Design Guild to have a symbolism associated with the guild that could be used for a few tools including Twitter, Notion, and Projects.



To support the growth, value, and initiatives of the Bankless community and its DAO.


Drive Growth

  • To support the member growth (and proselytization) of the community and its DAO.
  • To make onboarding obvious, seamless, and desirable in order to help the rest of the community in claiming/acquiring their BANK and use it in governing.

Contribute Value

  • To support community-backed proposals and the work required to achieve them.
  • To add value to the Bankless community and the BANK token

Educate Everyone

  • To educate as many people as possible about the merits and opportunity of going bankless.
  • To support translation efforts and any other effort to reach different subgroups where they commune.


Season 8 Guild Funding = 16 * (21000 + 770 *20)

= 582,400 BANK

Budget Breakdown

Dev Guild Roles:

Guild Organizer Office - 160,000 BANK

  • 10 hours a week at 16 weeks for 160 hours

Talent Coordinator Office - 160,000 BANK

  • 10 hours a week at 16 weeks for 160 hours.

POAP Manager - 32,000 BANK

  • 2 hours per week at 16 hours

Scribe - 16,000 BANK

Treasurer Role - 40,000 BANK

  • 2.5 hours per week at 16 hours

Dev Guild Services:

  • Knowledge Shares - 30,000 BANK

Dev Guild Benefits:

  • Bounties - 44,000 BANK

  • Coordinape - 100,000 BANK

Expected end of season 8 surplus - 400 BANK

Current holdings


Samuel BG#7569

Active Guild members presented here are independent from Guild tag holders.
Active membership is defined by 70% meeting attendance, activity in projects and bounty claimers. This is updated on a seasonal basis and tracked by the POAP manager, Treasurer and Talent Coordinators.


The goal is to build on the current infrastructures and directly improve Developer participation, incentivization and retention. Continuity is key and we believe we are on track to rejuvenate the guild. We hope to restart the knowledge/learning sessions and restructure the smart contract book club and provide more purposeful direction.


Can I ask - why do you need the DAO to provide BANK when you currently have 1.1M BANK and 5.8 ETH? It feels like you are the most well-capitalized guild WITHOUT a grant.


Which is why the guild is NOT seeking funding this season.
Funds requested is Zero


Awesome! Thanks for clarifying