[DRAFT] BDAO Discord Channel Code System

I think this has a lot of potential, but it seems over complicated. I think there needs to be a better balance between machine/bot readable and human aesthetic/readable/mnemonic. I like the basic idea of conventions, but there are certainly better codes that could be used. I think the biggest thing for me is that adding the “_ba02” and the like on the end of channels makes them LESS readable.

I would propose something simpler. Use the upper 2 char code for each section, and that’s the main look up. After that, you have conventions for “standard channels” such as “_cal”, or “_ann” or “_start”. Channels that are specific to the guild could have their own tag with the code and whatever they want (ex: [AV_rocks]).

Let’s use the AV Guild as an example

  • AudioVisual Guild [AV]
    • start-here [AV_start]
    • general [AV_gen]
    • announcements [AV_ann]
    • governance [AV_gov]
    • podcast-incubator [AV_pod]
    • rocks [AV_rocks]

This allows you to search for all things AV by using “AV_” or all general channels with “_gen”. If I just want the top AV channel I can search for “[AV]”

This also makes it easier to remember, and to my eyes “start-here [AV_start]” looks better than “start-here_av_01”. And when I search for all things “AV_”, the name of the channel is next to it which makes it easy to see what it is.

If we recognize that there should be another standard channel, we can add that to the “standard channels list”.

I think this has great potential, but need some finessing. Thanks for tackling this!