Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Submission

Governance Election: Season 10 - Grants Committee Election Application Submission

Submission Period: 01/15/24 - 01/21/24

Election Period: 01/22/24 - 01/28/24

There will be 6 seats open for Season 10 Grants Committee.

The Grants Committee consists of 5-7 members.

  • This Committee is responsible for vetting all funding proposals and ensuring funded organizational units provide ongoing transparency.
  • Grants Committee distributes all project funding from a multisig which operates with all committee members as signers.
  • The Committee has a quorum of five members and is otherwise responsible for its own operations.
  • The Grants Committee is required to be transparent and communicative with the DAO, such as access to committee meetings and an opportunity to voice opinions and feedback.

You can find the above information in Section 4.6 of the bDAO Constitution.

The nomination period will take place on Forum. During this period, members who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply by replying to this post.

The voting period will last one week and will take place on Snapshot:

  • Grants Committee Applications will be submitted and decided on by a weighted snapshot vote, and the 6 highest voted applications will be elected into the Grants Committee.
    Note: The last 3 out of the 6 highest votes will serve for one season.
  • Any unelected candidate can gather feedback, improve their resume, and resubmit for future vacancies.
  • Committee members can be recalled by Snapshot with a simple majority. Committee members may leave the committee at any time by submitting a written resignation note to the committee.

Additional Info:

Submitter must be Level 1 or higher

Elected GC members serve for a term (2 seasons).

Please find more information here: 9

To submit your application, you must reply to this post by including:

  1. Discord handle
  2. Reasons for applying
  3. Qualifications
  4. Sponsor(s) (i.e., those who will second your nomination - the more, the merrier!)

Discord Name: UXMcEal

Reasons: I am eager to convey my genuine interest in collaborating to enhance the grant review system at the GC. My motivation arises from a sincere desire to strengthen the pillars of transparency and clarity. I aim to ensure that guilds, departments, and projects receive funding through a system that embodies fairness and integrity. Beyond a mere role, I perceive this as a vital responsibility. The GC stands at the crossroads of the DAO’s projects and aspirations, and I am enthusiastic about fortifying the rapport between the GC and all DAO members. By fostering open communication and providing support to project leads, I seek to align their initiatives with the DAO’s overarching values and goals.

Qualification: As an active member of the DAO since Season 4, I’ve witnessed its growth, faced its challenges, and celebrated its triumphs. Throughout the past year, I’ve embraced multiple roles and contributed to various projects, gaining a comprehensive understanding of our organizational dynamics. Currently serving as the guild coordinator for the Project Management Guild and the education coordinator for the Sobol workstream, I’ve honed skills that bridge organizational management and financial insight. My real-world experience in project management and design further bolsters my capabilities, enabling me to offer valuable insights and solutions.

I would consider it both an honor and a privilege to represent the dedicated contributors to the DAO in this capacity. My commitment extends beyond mere service; it is a pledge to serve with dedication, integrity, and a forward-looking vision for the collective good of our community. In the spirit of the saying, ‘With great power comes great responsibility,’ I am dedicated to contributing meaningfully to the DAO’s journey. Thank you for your consideration, and I am hopeful for the opportunity to serve the DAO and its community members even more profoundly.

Sponsors : @links @raybankless.eth @_iamthompson @Paulito @Icedcool


Discord handle


Reasons for applying

When I became a BanklessDAO L2 member in August of last year, it was clear to me that I have a greater responsibility to contribute and support bDAO’s ongoing success. I am running for the Grants Committee because I understand that challenges lie ahead for BanklessDAO, and I am prepared to face them.

With 20 years of real-life experience working in Silicon Valley, building marketing management expertise, and holding a BS in Economics, I bring a wealth of knowledge. I have successfully managed operating budgets exceeding $4 million USD.

Working collaboratively with fellow Grant Committee members, I aim to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide fair and balanced guidance to projects for their success
  • Ensure that the allocation of resources aligns with the long-term thriving of BanklessDAO
  • Foster a collaborative environment within the committee to address challenges effectively


Active BanklessDAO member since Feb 2023
Active Level 2 member since Aug 2023
Marketing Department contributor since Season 7
Current Bankless Card launch Campaign manager since Seasons 8

Sponsors: @Ornella , @links , @NFThinker , @Icedcool , @WinVerse , @RachelBOpolis


Coffee Crusher has my full support in running for BanklessDAO grants committee. She’s a consistent and effective member of the Bankless Card team, and I trust her judgement to steward our community.


I support @coffee-crusher’s nomination and strongly believe she is a highly qualified, committed and aligned contributor perfectly suited for the Grants Committee role.

  1. Discord handle

  2. Reasons for applying
    I would be honored to keep supporting the growth of the DAO and I am excited for this new chapter that is opening, regarding the changes in the seasonal funding and the branding direction!

  3. Qualifications
    Active member of the DAO since season 6, more than a year already, in which I have held several roles in Translators Guild and the International Media nodes, as well as collaborated and learned from various projects, including Writers Guild, Bankless Card and Bankless Academy. With my preparation as industrial engineer and project manager I can support both the internal processes of the committee and fulfill the responsibilities.

  4. Sponsors
    @Ornella , @raybankless.eth, @CryptoReuMD


Discord Name: SpiritedF#7303

Reason for applying:

Excited about the opportunity to join the BanklessDAO Grant Committee, I want to actively engage in the process of allocating tokens. My goal is to ensure that every token serves a purpose in fostering innovation and contributing to the community’s growth. One other key point is to ensure transparency and make decisions that will keep the community thriving for a long time.

Being part of this committee means working together as a unit, much like a supportive family. Our collective decisions shape the future of finance, making it an exciting journey we embark on together.


I’ve been a dedicated member of the Dao since Season 4, witnessing the guild’s inspiring evolution over time. Actively engaging in diverse guilds, projects, and departments, I’ve played an important role in governance, I once served as the assistant governance lead for Daolationship, and also taking on the role of project manager for the Research Guild, along with being a governance coordinator for the AV Guild. My proficiency extends to various web 3 tools such as Sesh, Coordinape, Notion, Dework, Parcel, Gnosis, and more. Excited to continue contributing to the dynamic growth and success of our community.

Sponsors: @Paulito @jarisjames @Freedo_minant @Steff

1 Like

Discord handle:

I feel this is a great opportunity to help in the growth of both the DAO and myself, I believe in a decentralized world and my goals are aligned with what you want to achieve, transparency is everything and my work and everything I have done here speaks for itself.

I am a 21 year old young man who has been in the DAO for more than 2 years participating in different guilds and projects, some of them are PM Guild, Research Guild, Translations Guild, Bankless Nation and BanklessCard. Many people within the DAO can find me, as I am always active in asking how to help, I move through different channels to support and more than anything to spread the word so that more people enter the DAO and continue to give voice to the Bankless message. I am a very active person and @CryptoReuMD or other people that I work hand in hand with them here can tell, I always like to be active, help everyone I can and do whatever I can.

I have in Nacion Bankless 2 sessions in the grants committee and , elaborating and making different proposals for different grants or projects in which we are involved, currently I have reviewed these proposals for Nacion Bankless:



@McEal @coffee-crusher @anafante @SpiritedF @fabiancep Thank you for sending in your submissions for the role GC. We will be proceeding to snapshot for the elections. Good luck to everyone of you.


I support Anafante’s nomination. Her great care and commitment to the DAO is one of a kind. Her knowledge as a coordinator is proven and she demonstrates great qualities of Project Management skills, which are vital for the Grants Committee role.


I have worked with Fabian in Nación Bankless (Bankless in Spanish) and I am witness of his dedication, hard work, love for web3 and the growth of the DAO. His enthusiasm never seems to rest, he brings on a lot of energy to the team. I’d also second his nomination!


I fully support @anafante, is a very honest and dedicated member, the values that has as a human being and also the way that she believes decentralization and cooperation is the most important things that we need for further growth in our mission.
Ill add here that he is an excellent writer and she has been working for the grants committee that Nacion Bankless internally has, with grant application, potential bias identification and disbursement of the funds allocated, always thinking in ways that benefit the whole ecosystem.
Just DAO it friend


I know. And you have my support. Fabian is part of Nacion Bankless since it’s inception, i’ve been around since the third season, and when he came around the things just started to be easier and smooth. We have been growing together and I feel him as part of the core team of Nacion Bankless, he attends the meetings, he is aware of what I write, if I ask him for something he doesn’t know how to do, he self-manages and solves it, currently he is in charge together with @Rens of making independent proposals for Meta Pool and Push, an exercise that every day they do better writing and achieving their goals.
He has been there throughout the Bear market and even since we were a node of the International Media Nodes. I’m very happy to see both of you. @anafante as rising stars. =)


Ana also has my support, she is a great person with whom I have worked in Nacion Bankless and in different projects within the DAO, she has my respect and admiration and I support her blindly in everything, a great person with great determination and who seeks to continue building and supporting the DAO.


Ana has my full support. She has long been supporting the growth of bDAO and other prominent web3 projects. I fully expect her to lead with honesty and authenticity.


Coffee-crusher has my full support. She has been one of the few consistent voices in bDAO. I’ve personally seen her lead projects dependably and with clarity. I expect her to do the same for the grants committee.


Wow, thank you so much for the support, @Humpty , that means a lot. I’m excited to possibly help support the Grants Committee, and the fantastic people already on the committee as well as my fellow nominees.


Totally agree with you, @anafante is fantastic, and would be an awesome Grant Committee member!


I have one question regarding the voting process. Is it acceptable that I also vote for myslef? Or should I only support candidates other than myself when voting on snapshot?


You are free to vote for yourself.