Is BanklessDAO winding down? Why is it so dead around here?

Just curious. Not seeing much action. Also, the Discord link is redirecting to no man’s land. Couldn’t find a link to a blog for any updates either.



Bankess IP yanked,
Dept finding paused.

Branches decamped,
Rest of bDAO snores

|| PS english literature studies was not my best subject at high school ||

Pretty misleading - is that on purpose?

To answer your questions @globaltreasure, late last year BanklessHQ decided to sever our relationship. We’re still able to use the name “BanklessDAO” but most DAO members don’t want to use it as they feel a bit rugged.

The DAO is still operating, and funding is going through a smaller, trusted group of wallets as we go through a transition to redefine purpose, brand, and membership structure.

You can join the discord here to attend weekly governance calls (Mondays) and community calls (Fridays) BanklessDAO

You can also keep up to date with weekly email updates here: Subscribe to BanklessDAO


You forgot:
Transition Council actively working on new purpose and identity.


life gets busy, but the commitment remains.