Nación Bankless: Ambassadors As A Service (modifed 11/05/24)

Our DAO today begins the third year since its initiative. 2021, was a year that marked milestones and changes in How to DAO? We started in an intense way, in a full bull market, with thousands of experiences and creating not only moments, but now we decided to create applications that allow us to help the decentralization of the protocols that we are currently using.

Nación Bankless current initiatives are about bringing communities together, decentralizing the mission and automating the processes we are doing. We are experimenting with Attestations Bots, Bounty Dapps, One Click Staking and at a certain point we will go to chain abstraction.

With this evolution we have engaged more formally with the community of developers and ecosystem builders, allowing our dreams to become a reality.

Staking for communities:

It has happened to you that you want to stake but there is too much noise, you are afraid to stake your tokens on a new or unknown protocol, you are terrified of this restaking and farming that you hear so much about. That’s why we decided to support the decentralization of this situation:

We are currently in an alliance with Cryptoconexion and Frutero Club to create a FrontEnd that allows you as a member of the community to staking, with our support so the grant we receive from Meta Pool (2500 USD), 70% will be deposited through this tool and the fee generated by the protocol will be used to maintain the project and give rewards to the community… Yes rewards, such as scholarships for events and further development.

This is a sneak peak of what we are doing… New vibes, new colors, same mission.

In addition to staking, a pool will be implemented in Optimism for the exchange of tokens with mpETH-OP and mpETH-ETH to be able to perform the off ramp in case you need it, without having to go through the high fees of Ethereum and lose that benefit, doing that you deposit in L1 and withdraw in L2… Fantastic, isn’t it? But it doesn’t end there, the Fees generated by the protocol will be used for the rewards mentioned above.

But let’s go further, our dear Dev, wants to experiment with smart wallets that allow you social staking and chain abstraction, for this we will surely need support from Optimism or Gitcoin, since the funds aren’t eternal, so you will hear from us soon.

Imagine now, that you are a community that has OP tokens and you don’t know what to do with them, you don’t have developers and with the detail that the RPG requires you to present chain activity, well surprise: Any community can ask Frutero Club to carry out this initiative with their stamp, that is to say, customizable, leaving in front of you a marketplace of frontends for communities, giving a use to those OP with the development of this application.

Although we are doing a lot, we are going one step at a time, because we want to grow exponentially, but there are only a few of us and it is a lot of work. So if you want to join and participate, remember that you can join the Telegram community and from there jump to Discord for the evolution.

Now, this is the first version:

We are working with some issues, like the buttons and the design, but now its working.

It would be very easy, you just connect your wallet and stake, you can use Near or ETH with your preferred wallet.


Sign me up!

Very excited to see this posted in the forums, to share a bit of what we are doing.

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So this is it, this is the first time that we made a full web3 project, and this is the first version.
Please don’t hesitate in commentaries and questions about, and if you have some ETH that can be deposited to Meta Pool via or page, please do :smiley:

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