While thinking about trying out the Graph Protocol and maybe trying to create a sub-graph that could monitor for L1 statuses I went to the constitution to take a look for what criteria I should be looking for. Of course having 35k BANK on Eth main-net, but which L2’s to check BANK balances for, which LP pools, and how much in each LP position, or any other valid criteria.
I think these should be added to the constitution accompanied with a process for adding/removing tokens or other metrics that can award L1 status and above…
Before making the actual bDIP post I wanted to make this post to collect a list of all the valid token and LP values.
BANK on Eth Main-Net: Bankless DAO: BANK Token | Address 0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8491fce9a2fb4da198 | Etherscan
BANK on Polygon: Bankless DAO: BANK Token | Address 0xdb7cb471dd0b49b29cab4a1c14d070f27216a0ab | PolygonScan
Current Criteria
- 35,000 BANK on Eth Main-Net
- 35,000 BANK on Polygon
- 150,000 BANK on Eth Main-Net
- 150,000 BANK on Polygon
- “…have provided Liquidity for the Eth/Bank pair, representing at least 150k Bank and its equivalent pairing of ETH.”
What’s Missing
LP Pools:
- Balancer
- SushiSwap
- BANK/ETH Main-Net: https://etherscan.io/token/0x2c51eaa1BCc7b013C3f1D5985cDcB3c56DC3fbc1#readContract#F5
- BANK/ETH Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x11A83070D6F41eBE3764e4eFeD7dF9B9D20a03fa#readContract#F5
- BANK/MATIC? Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/token/0xA2532D1FBeD757936E13dF51DCE0077Ce2F825c9#readContract#F5
- Uniswap (v3 Main-net/Polygon?)
- There are too many combinations here but all the pairs between BANK, ETH, WETH, DAI, USDC, etc., as well the as main-net vs polygon pools
- Arakis UniV3 Pool
- Arrakis Finance - Web3’s Liquidity Layer
- Managed by Lucas
Other Questions
- L1 doesn’t include the option to maintain this rank if value is held in one of the LP positions. Should this be corrected?
- L3 & L4 doesn’t specify if both 150k BANK has to be held outside an LP position as well as holding that equal value in an LP position, or if just holding 150k BANK in an LP position is good enough. Is L4 supposed to represent a total value of 300k BANK, or just represent the added risk of holding 150k BANK in an LP position?
- Which LP positions qualify for L4? At the moment it just specifies ETH/BANK pairs.
- What should be the process for on-boarding/off-boarding qualifying criteria, as in the case of Rari?
- How can mixed amounts be added together? (20k BANK on Main-Net but ETH/DAI in UniV3 on polygon for example)
- I assume so, but it’s not explicitly stated, does L3&4 require the L2 nomination?
If any one else has any other questions on this topic feel free to add it to the list.
Thanks for reading!
Side note: Once this is defined this criteria could maybe also be used to define Snapshot voting strategies as that also seems to be missing from the constitution. Though that could be a later bDIP.
Poll 1:
- Yes
- No
- Impartial
0 voters
Poll 2:
- Include more criteria
- Same criteria
- Impartial
0 voters
Poll 3:
- Yes
- No
- Impartial
0 voters
Poll 4:
- Just having 150k BANK worth of an LP position, granting L3 by default.
- Just having 150k BANK worth of an LP position, excluded from L3.
- Having both 150k BANK LP position holding 150k BANK, holding a total 300k BANK of value.
0 voters