Research guild - S8 budget & proposal

hey @Aloy, @homie and team,
Thank you for making this proposal.
Research Guild was a hotbed for onboarding new Contributors and getting them started! Many top contributors in the DAO pbly started in the Research guild.

i have some questions to make my vote informed

what are your previous activities; in seasons 6 and 7 or since inception which added value to the DAO?

not sure if this is something you are proud of mentioning, as the material was sent back, as it being a ChatGPT generated.

How close are you to your Season 7 goals? What’s the progress in simple tasks like setting up the Mirror page?
Are there any plans to pick up the Banklogs, Reiterate etc.?

What are the responsibilities of these role-holders? Are there any KPIs attached which will be attached to these roles if something like S7 happens?

You have mentioned 27 members as active members, but your Dwork only shows 17 members when filtered from Jan 1 to April 12th and 14 members from Jan 1 to March 31. Are there any data missing or unaccounted for in Dework?