Research guild - S8 budget & proposal

Authors; Aloy :black_flag:#6049, ETrinity007#7414, infinitehomie.eth :black_flag::hammer_and_wrench::test_tube:#4930
Editors: Latsan#6466, Crown :crown: :black_flag:#6220, SpiritedF#7303
Date created: 03/23/2023
Date posted: 04/06/2023
Wallet surplus: 5,332 BANK
Funds requested: 663,308 BANK
Multisig; ETH: 0x2b00Fdf9AadAFEe22Cf56eb59BA367f6aCD0ce10
Polygon: 0x3628F8A41eE5112931fBA446610aEaD236Cd2AA3
Multisig signers; ETH: Crown :crown: :black_flag:#6220, SpiritedF#7303, Latsan#6466
McEal#0001, Og#1963, infinitehomie.eth :black_flag::hammer_and_wrench::test_tube:#4930
Ernest_of_Gaia :blue_car: :black_flag:ccNFTs :ringer_planet:#4762
Polygon: infinitehomie.eth :black_flag::hammer_and_wrench::test_tube:#4930, rowan#3669, zijo
Ernest_of_Gaia :blue_car: :black_flag:ccNFTs :ringer_planet:#4762, miss purple
feems, blurpleflame

Guild Description

The research guild is responsible for conducting research, providing insights, educating members, and fostering collaboration.

  1. Conducting research: The primary purpose of the research guild is to conduct research on various topics that are relevant to the DAO’s mission and goals. This can include researching new technologies, analyzing market trends, and evaluating potential investment opportunities.

  2. Providing insights: By conducting research, the research guild provides valuable insights to the DAO’s decision-making processes. The insights gained through research can help the DAO make informed decisions about its operations, investments, and other activities.

  3. Educating members: The research guild helps to educate other members of the DAO about various topics. This can include providing training on new technologies, explaining market trends and their implications, and sharing best practices.

  4. Fostering collaboration: The research guild helps to foster collaboration among members of the DAO. By working together on research projects, members of the DAO can develop a deeper understanding of each other’s skills and expertise, which can help them work together more effectively in other areas.

Past Activities

We have spent Season 7 reinventing the guild. We have been able to encourage more people to actually engage with the guild and present work to the guild through our revamp of DeWork.

We have unfortunately had previous seasons where our community was fractured, so we needed to focus on building a guild that could be inclusive, motivated, and focused on the goal of assisting the DAO with research topics, and needs throughout the ecosystem.

We’ve presented work towards groups including DAO Stewards, and have begun to work on research for Crypto Sapiens as a part of their revitalization progress. We have also solidified a partnership between Senad at blabs in order to provide contributor work for the project.

As a result, we’ve gained the motivation to reach out to other parts of the DAO, and parts outside of the DAO to develop partnerships.

We’ve developed partnerships for task management web3 apps including DeWork, Wonderverse, and more to help develop members.


The Guild’s Mission will be to operate as a Support Node for conducting, guiding, and funding research that aligns with the goals and vision of the Bankless DAO.

To achieve these goals, the Research Guild Will:

• Create research bounties

• Track Research Jobs/Opportunities within and outside the DAO

• Fund scope squads and research projects through a grants program

• Write and publish research articles

• Empower Research Work and Talent

Recruitment for projects across the DAO

• Empower new joiners with what they need and fix them into workgroup as they can start writing research papers


East Wind:

We will be presenting a new form of a research self study project that combines “sync” and “async” work with the goal of preparing contributors for research projects that will be needed around the DAO.

This will either use the wonderverse platform, or the crew3 platform for all members inside and out of the guild to enjoy. We will supplement the work completed from this project’s maintenance in the form of bounties used in the guild, and guild coordinape rounds used throwing the season.

We will chronicle our work in weekly/biweekly blog posts that will be able to be minted in, with potentially revenue coming back into the guild. Having this revenue come back to the guild will aid us in not having to ask for funding in the future.

West Wind:

We will look into having sessions like that which is being planned with Blabs (would have been done), where representatives of Guild or projects with research needs or opportunities are hosted to educate research Guild members about the guild or projects, by doing this, members are enlighten first hand on how research skills can be used in such project or Guild.

North Wind:

We are looking to create more task and bounties which the active members can use to level up their roles from learner level which is the first level of been active in the guild to the practitioner level and finally to the Steward level which is to be among the core contributor of a workgroup in the guild.

The north is going to initiate a governance based workgroup come S8 and the scope of the workgroup we intend to initiate is the ‘Governance Accelerator Program’. Guild members and beyond need to be educated on what governance means and represents in the very least. Members are quite inactive when it comes to governance and our solution to this is this program. It is going to be a season-long activity intensive program that will involve the studying and breakdowns of selected 16 publications (one for each week in the season) by well known authors/Individuals associated with governance. Each week a topic will be selected and provided to potential workgroup members to study and comprehend and a report/doc turned in by members based on their understanding of that week’s article and then a pre-selected meeting hour the entire workgroup meets up to discuss the paper and then cite in-DAO examples where these situations can be applied.

We are also training our active members to learn how to facilitate meetings and how to take note and the task is only open to contributors that have attained the practitioner level or more

For the facilitators we are requesting for 500 BANK per meeting and for the note takings, we are requesting for 500 BANK which makes 1,000 BANK per week. In total we have 16k bank for meeting facilitator and note taking

South Wind:

We are looking at reinventing the members of the month award (MOMA), this time we will be more focused on how effective and impactful the contributors that are being nominated are in the guild. This is to make sure that folks that are hardworking, effective and committed are celebrated. We are adopting a new payment method for the MOMA winner, which will be, sending the payment directly to their wallet address rather than the old method of tipping. MOMA NFT will also be sent alongside the winners. we are proposing 3000 Bank per month in season 8, for the four months, we will have 12000 Bank altogether in season 8

Bounties & Workgroups:

We will look to set aside a moderate budget of 52,640 BANK to provide rewards for contributors who successfully pass our self study courses, carry out research reports, project reports and all other pods bounties as well.

How these funds will be disbursed will depend on the pod (via consensus) responsible for the bounty contribution in the first place.

Budget Breakdown

S7 Budget Summary

  • S7 total budget was 435,000 BANK

  • Extra BANK identified in the multi-sigs (ETH & Polygon) from previous seasons:

221,329 BANK

  • S7 total allocated funding as of March 8th, 2023 was 219,003 BANK

  • S7 Anticipated Rollover = 5,332 BANK


The salary structure in the Research Guild is as follows; We have four Operational Pods or Winds (The North Wind, East wind, West wind and South wind) Each of these pods has two role holders, the Lead of the pod and their supports.

The payment structure for S8 will be a continued status quo of S7, The leads of each pod receives 20,000 BANK per pay period (A period consists of 4 weeks), while their supports receive 12,000 BANK per pay period.

Since S8 is going to be 16 weeks, hence the data below;

North Wind Lead - 80,000 BANK

North Wind Support - 48,000 BANK

South Wind Lead - 80,000 BANK

South Wind Support - 48,000 BANK

East Wind Lead - 80,000 BANK

East Wind Support - 48,000 BANK

West Wind Lead - 80,000 BANK

West Wind Support - 48,000 BANK

512,000 BANK

Total Funding/Ask is dependent on our active members, and at the moment we have 27 active members based on data from our recent coordinape backed up by Dework.

Using the formula of; 16x(21,000+770x[active members])

16x(21,000+770x27) = 668,640.

Now as approved by GC we are to minus our expected rollover of 5,332 BANK from our S8 ask of 668,640 BANK

This will give us the amount of 663,308 BANK

Proposed Coordinape Spending is 23,000 BANK per month, For the Four months of S8 this will total up to 92,000 BANK

Note Taking - 500 BANK/Session

Meeting Facilitations - 500 BANK/Session
16,000 BANK for the Season

Expenditures (Total)

Role Holder Salaries - 512,000 BANK

Coordinape (23k/Period) - 92,000 BANK

MOMA (Member of the Month Award; 3,000 BANK per period) - 12,000 BANK

Workgroup/Bounties - 52,640 BANK

Current Holdings

As at the documenting of this document, the Research Guild has two Multi-sigs (ETH & Polygon). The ETH multi-sig has 263,216 BANK, and the Polygon Multi-sig has 34,116 BANK, giving a total of 297,332 BANK.

Two pay periods for salaries of 128,000 BANK apiece totalling 256,000 BANK, two coordinape payouts of 15,000 BANK apiece totalling 30,000 BANK. Bounty Payouts/Facilitations sum up to 6,000 BANK.

(256,000 + 30,000 + 6000) BANK = 292,000 BANK

Then we minus it from the overall balance (297,332 - 292,000) = 5,332 BANK


Active Members are considered as members who have been able to attend 75% of meetings, and have completed enough tasks to reach the “learner” level of the talent pathway.

We will now follow the Member Based Guild Funding structure in order to reward our members toward contributions to the guild and the DAO, but rather members who have attained “active status”

Now while we do have a large membership base, as at the moment only 27 meet the active membership criteria which involved a Dework onboarding process and as such qualified them for the Season 7 Period 1 coordinape


Next Steps

If this proposal is accepted and funding disbursed, the immediate next step is implementation across board. Basically what we are achieving with this S7 was ensuring that only contributors who are really interested in the growth of the guild and their growth as well get to have a place.

Now while compensations are a good means of reward, the goal is not for it to be the motivation but more of a by-product. So our next steps will be to ensure a more balanced guild of equal proving of worth and this is where each of the pods come in, by ensuring that each of the outlined protocols in place for increased participation is implemented to the latter and this budget will serve as a base catalyst to drive just that.

We hope we have your support for this Season 8 budget proposal

If you decide to vote NO, please a leave a comment detailing your objections - and hopefully we can change your mind.

  • Yes, I support this proposal
  • No, I do not support this proposal
  • I abstain, but understand my vote contributes to quorum

0 voters


Hello Research Guild,

Before I cast my vote, I would like to ask you some important questions about your vision and mission for S8 and onwards. The reason why I ask these questions is because I love the RG, but I don’t think you are making the impact you can, and you are sitting on a significant under-leveraged opportunity.

I am coming from a broad viewpoint, and have no intention of nitpicking on numbers. The funding proposal that you have is very process oriented, and does not bring out how the RG will identify and conduct research work for the whole of bDAO (for departments, guilds and projects) and how will you address the strategic objectives that you yourself have outlined.

You have taken on some challenging objectives, which includes applying for grants and identifying investment opportunities for bDAO. Then there are the objectives of writing research papers, articles and thought pieces.

My fundamental question is how are you going to gradually build up credibility and equity to be the “go to” Guild whenever anyone has a research question in their mind (leaving aside B Labs)? Right now, research needs across bDAO are created, managed and implemented by individuals or Guilds who think about them. This is why there is no consistency, there are multiple or overlapping research efforts, and there is no Research Centre of Excellence. As the RG, you should be owning, managing and influencing these aspects.

I don’t really care about the funding amount, which I am sure the GC will take a closer look at. How does this funding and the empowerment it provides allow you to build up that equity that the RG should have?


Thank you very much for the question!

Firstly our goal is to equip our members & incoming ones as well with the necessary training needed for them to attain the skills needed as researchers & Technical writers.
Our training will come in the form of a course guide which we plan to begin work on this S7, which will effectively mean we’ll cruise into S8 in full implementation mode.

In terms of gradually building up credibility; credibility goes hand in hand with knowledge, knowledge of one’s capabilities and skills. In the RG now very few can say they have that knowledge of the identity on what being in the RG is, and so our first call to action is to change that via a “school-like training sessions”. Also we have established a conduit with B Labs, this will enable us to field contributors in real practical situations as opposed to the simulations that will be going in RG

What the funding does is to serve as a galvanizer, now while the goal is not creating “reward-oriented” researchers, the funding is still needed to ensure a competitive edge and also a means of value & appreciation towards contributors who are here to ensure the growth of the guild.

First, I really appreciate this very important question that you’ve raised. I always admire your ability to ask tough questions that can make a person think.

As you can see, the guild needs work to become a viable option for others to come to for research needs In my opinion, I think we need to build credibility by building up the guild in public.

@Aloy has the plan out in the open above. That’s a start. What we can do is take the fundamentals of research (which past guild coordinators have focused on, and implemented, but may not have improved as much as they would like) as our guide to learn about proper research techniques.

We can use the tools that we have, YouTube, discussion, meeting syncs and async coordination, to understand the basics, and. Nail down our general understanding of research topics. We can take what we have learned, and present them to the guild. (I realize that prior attempts at this have not been a fruitful as they should have been as we saw with the DAO stewards governance document). But, those attempt can be documented as learning lessons, and evidence that if handled the right way, we can truly shine.

I believe by actually upskilling members, and perhaps being a bit more intentional with the members that we move up in our active membership pathway via course completion, quizzes, and self study starting this season (next week will be a start to some tactics)

And by putting forth @Cellevista s plan of a resource repository, I do have faith that we can grow into an credible guild.

I hope this helps, but please ask me more questions as they come up. This is helpful for me, I hope it is helpful for others.


I had to pretty much leave research guild cause it is mostly folks rewarding themselves for not doing work and not interested in learning.


Thanks for responding to my question. Good thoughts and perspectives on how you see the RG evolve. The key here is not to adopt a scatter gun approach but to have a focused approach on how the RG wants to train contributors to become researchers. Research is a massive field, so it is important that the education and training curriculum you are planning to use is properly and effectively designed. Who is providing inputs and guidance to the RG on developing this “course guide” as you mention?

The B Labs conduit is fine, but the RG needs to step up and take the initiative internally first. From my perspective, the RG needs to take a very proactive approach towards identifying and influencing research needs and their implementation within bDAO. There are multiple opportunities, which the S8 strategy and funding can focus on:

  1. Working with the Ops Guild and Ella Dane on the long standing contributors sentiment survey

  2. Working with @Sprinklesforwinners on the bDAO Onboarding Survey

  3. Understand and develop a research plan for the newly formed Governance Department

The RG effectively needs to have a spider approach, where it has a strong involvement with multiple Guilds and Departments and shapes their research requirements. This also means that the RG needs to have thought leadership to propose to bDAO what topics we should be investing our research time and effort on. For example, the tlBANK team of Sprinkles and @Icedcool can benefit from research moving forward.

From my perspective, I would like to see some serious research focused outputs from the RG in S8.

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I have seen Ernest’s deep involvement with the RG for a long time, so the sentiment they have shared needs to be acknowledged. When a long standing contributor leaves a Guild, we need to understand why that happened.


Yes. They are more than welcome to. But misinformation and bullying isn’t fair. Personal attacks is not fair. It is not fair to people like @Aloy @Latsan @Cellevista and others.

I’ve seen their deep involvement as well. It is truly sad that it had to end this way. However. There is a chance for a cohesive group to move forward . And maligned attacks to try and break that chance down isn’t fair at all.

Hi @homie Thanks for this proposal. It outlines the research guild quite well.
Your active membership only takes into account attendance. To the best of my knowledge, consensus was gained for each guild to decide how they calculated active membership, however it needed to be calculated by more than just active membership.

Hi @Sprinklesforwinners the research guild active membership wasn’t based off of attendance only but just 75% of that so as to depict the members presence in the guild and also attaining the learner’s dework role which is the minimum role to depict for involvement in the guild as well and so if both isn’t fulfilled by a member in the guild then they are not accounted for on the active members lists and that’s why those with the new joiners dework role are not added to the list.

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Thanks @ETrinity007414!!

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hey @Aloy, @homie and team,
Thank you for making this proposal.
Research Guild was a hotbed for onboarding new Contributors and getting them started! Many top contributors in the DAO pbly started in the Research guild.

i have some questions to make my vote informed

what are your previous activities; in seasons 6 and 7 or since inception which added value to the DAO?

not sure if this is something you are proud of mentioning, as the material was sent back, as it being a ChatGPT generated.

How close are you to your Season 7 goals? What’s the progress in simple tasks like setting up the Mirror page?
Are there any plans to pick up the Banklogs, Reiterate etc.?

What are the responsibilities of these role-holders? Are there any KPIs attached which will be attached to these roles if something like S7 happens?

You have mentioned 27 members as active members, but your Dwork only shows 17 members when filtered from Jan 1 to April 12th and 14 members from Jan 1 to March 31. Are there any data missing or unaccounted for in Dework?

So it’s the learning lesson that is interesting to discuss here. Because you’re right, it really was not a proud moment, but it’s something to mention because it was an important moment for the younger, more nascent members to encounter.

Simplicity is in the eye of the beholder, @0xbaer , however true, you are right. Its not so hard to set up mirror if you have experience. It’s actually being worked on.

I would like for you to remember, however. We have gone through a revamp of the entire guild as a whole. As you have expressed, research guild was a first step for members coming into the guild.

This means, whether it be due to background, age, learning level, demographic, or general understanding of web3, its possible that we may (by design) be at a further step back than other groups that have gained more experience. There are folks who have not had the fortune of education that others have.

This is why there are folks including @Sprinklesforwinners , @nonsensetwice and others who are focused on onboarding. That is a great way to close the knowledge gap that exists, so assumptions are not so common.

Back to this, here’s what’s interesting! The reason why I say it’s a learning experience is this. Sometimes, there are topics that may have been better off not being approached.

Another thing that is interesting. Due to prevalence of ChatGPT, the author could have believed that it would have sufficed that the article would have been okay to be chat gpt generated.

That is also because this is the instance of communication that you’ve had regarding this. I do appreciate that communication though. It would be interesting to see what the impact ChatGPT has had on educational writing as a whole. You know?

. I appreciate @sandeepdas9179 insight and opinions on this. Because it’s s good point to have, regarding AI versus human creation of thought.

What we could have done, is perhaps made a better approach at engaging in dialogue with you all. This way we could have had a better focus as to what was needed with respect to the question you had. If you are free, perhaps this would be a discussion to bring forward during a guild sync.

Finally, the document above expresses current number of members. I have had to rework dework (I am still in the process) due to issues surrounding the way dework was set up, first. This is my fault. The correct numbers will be expressed as we move later into the season.

Will add more later but I’m sneaking and doing this at work haha

Gm @0xbaer Thanks for the time spent and effort put to go through the proposal thoroughly and lovely feedback from you as well and in regards of some of the questions asked, here are some insights on them:

So Season 6 was mostly used for the creation of Talent pathways and educating members on research methodologies i.e putting members to research training which we had a lot of difficulties in but later the programme served its purpose well because looking closely to Season 5 we had quite a large number of research guild contributors 55 contributors on the active membership lists and the vetting of those that are for the guild for the compensation(Bank farming) only and those that are really for the research guild to putting in their work and carry out research work were being done using the talent pathways architecture….which leads to the halving of the guild’s contributors numbers but the reduction was a positive turnout because these members put in their best to stay a contributor of the guild while those that are previously there for the Banks left and now we have those to work with and although it took the whole of season 6 for the guild to gain balance of the whole new system and integration, a lot of gnashing happened but we all gained a common ground and we moved forward from there.
Also for season 6 a mental health research analysis was conducted where folks learnt about how to collect, clean, analyse and present data which the data was presented on bDAO substack
A follow up on the analysis was the workgroup also use the medium to teach people how to solve researched problems which the work group termed as mental health orientation spanning from s7 and was completed in s8. Season 7 is still ongoing and we’re still getting things done.

And also for season 6
Stablcoin research was done on certain types of stablecoins in different areas, we decided to publish them with the writer’s guild and were told that they aren’t well presented yet
So season 7, we came up with the initiative of having a session with Trewkat and Hiro on “How to write content while considering plagiarism” and “How to write a good research report and analysis” but we didn’t have a budget to carry on with this initiative, which made us not to publish them, we got a link to how to write a standard research from Hiro and planning to have a session when we have a budget.

As for the work presented towards Daosteward…before/during the creation & posting of the proposal it have not been nullified hence why it was added and it was a great learning curve for members not to engage in the use of gpt as the issue have never been addressed before nor have there been any warnings against the use.

Concerning the development of our web presence via utilization of, and…Yeah there have been discussion on that earlier this season (our previous metaforo page have been dormant for quite a while now and to our understanding the outreach of metaforo is pretty much limited as not much users or even members of bDAO currently uses metaforo so we thought about using twitter but because of the lack of bounties budget to cover for the appointment of the person that will be in charge of that we concluded that the idea should be shifted to the next season whereby we can be able to compensate for work that will be done but the page handler. The reason for choosing twitter is because of the outreach, the limitless exposure to countless users on twitter both web3 noob and pro alike will be able to see what the research guild will be publishing on the page and what we are willing to offer and that way we will not only be educating users on what we are doing here in bDAO but also be able to put ourself out there for more opportunities from other DAOs that will be interested in our research work here in bDAO

Also some questions regarding some KPIs that are yet to be fulfilled for s7 which is totally understandable because they were planned by a former member of the guild, who didn’t continue as a result of some disagreement(the issue arose during the election process whereby the former member that wrote the KPIs left due to the fact that they wanted to be practicing autonomy (which is not what decentralization is) and the act was opposed collectively by the guild), this led to a reassumption of the role and new KPIs and achievements were made regarding the position.

Also concerning Research guild weekly recap and Bi-Monthly CCall Updates, these plans were also affected because of the earlier stated factor (which is funding), using other guilds preset currently in the dao all these tasks are mostly bountied out to members of the guild as to promote contributions both to the guild and to the dao itself which we were unable to do as there wasn’t any budget accounted for that as well. Based on this factor the activities in the current workgroups In research (rg health chatter and stablecoins) have dropped compare to when it first started.

Where was it presented on Substack?

a former member of the guild, who didn’t continue as a result of some disagreement(the issue arose during the election process whereby the former member that wrote the KPIs left due to the fact that they wanted to be practicing autonomy (which is not what decentralization is) and the act was opposed collectively by the guild),

This is one interpretation of what happened, but not one that I would agree with.

I’ve actually done a monumental amount of work trying to clarify a lot of confusion that was brought out from season 5, and season 6.

You’ve done a lot of work, Ernest. Probably one the most monumental efforts of contribution out of any one in research guild for many seasons. Probably out of the entire DAO. I would say.

However, there was also a huge amount of confusion left from some initiatives that I do believe also lead to some disheartened feelings, disagreements, and more. There were issues with clarity behind governance documents, there were documents that were not updated, and more.

There are folks that have had to pick up the pieces from those disheartened feelings. Do I believe that any one person was at fault from those feelings? No. Do I believe that we all have an obligation to take some responsibility from the mess that was season 6? Yes.

What would have helped was an honest discussion between people who may have been confused, and the people who have created the documents. Instead, we got a huge helping of pettiness from all sides (myself included!)

However, writing off a group by stating it’s people who pay themselves for doing nothing is inappropriate, unfair, and hostile. If there are people who are trying to rebuild. Then their efforts can be considered. I at least hope they would be.

There is a need for research in BanklessDAO, on multiple fronts. Governance, education, and more. There is a group of people who are trying hard to pick up pieces and help continue to make a this guild, and by extension the DAO, a joyful place to be.

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Yeah. You may be right about this one.

I think there were a lot of people, myself included, that had (and caused) a lot of issues when it came to trying to make sense of research guild in season 6.

What I wish is that we could find a way to better discuss and collaborate past issues, past disagreements, to find a way to move forward.


Hi @Trewkat, that was a mistake from me, it was notion and not substack

The content published on notion was a easy walkthrough into the research guild to ease the journey of new contributors via - Welcome To the Research Guild | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

and the report from the analysis is here - Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. and this content will still be on the writers guild sub-stack before moving to the next agenda in the workgroup as the workgroup is working on to bring RnDAO as we want to test their health bot to see how it can assists the research guild and the entire DAO at large.

Hi @Aloy @homie Do either of you happen to know why this poll is closed?