Solving for Decentralized Coordination

Work on a similar document has been going on for a few days over here: Bankless DAO Constitution - Google Docs

Discussion has been happening on this thread: Bankless DAO constitution

I like the mission and vision in that existing constitution draft a lot. The vision statement found in the constitution Google Doc is currently “One Billion Bankless”
The current mission statement is:
Bankless DAO coordinates and curates talent and contribution to propagate Bankless media, culture, and education, driving adoption of trustless, decentralized money systems.

The vision and mission were pulled from emails from RSA and finessed a bit. The thing I like about that mission statement is that it is short and to the point. It can be shared in one breath and it seems like it captures the essence of what this movement is about.

What was the process by which this draft you are presenting was created? If this is something that has already had a lot of broad community input, more than has gone into the constitution draft, those of us who have been working on that document could shift our efforts to now work on this one. I did not realize another version of a foundational document was in the works.

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