Title: [Bankless Academy] S6 Budget Request
Team: Tetranome #1965, DidierKrux.eth #6120, iSpeakNerd.eth #6969, OrnellaWeb3 #1111
Date Created: 10/12/2022
Date Posted: 10/14/2022
The Bankless Academy project would like to request funding for continuing its operations into Season 6, where the team will be focused on execution, growth, and partnerships with external projects.
New Feature: Academy Badges as on-chain sybil-resistant knowledge credentials, powered by MintKudos, and protected by Gitcoin Passport
Explorers can directly prove their uniqueness, claim their Academy Badges, and have on-chain proof of lesson completion.
More than 450 Academy Badges have been claimed during the first week of the launch. For more detail, you can learn more here.
Launch of our 1st white-label partner: HumanDAO Academy, powered by Bankless Academy
The humanDAO Community has leveraged our infrastructure to create its web3 learning platform.
Public release of our 1st Sponsored Lesson: DEX Aggregators, co-built with the 1inch Foundation
After two months of collaborative work, DEX Aggregators has been shipped successfully.
Whitelisting of $BANK Token on 1inch
At the end of our DEX Aggregators lesson, Explorers must complete a quest that involves swapping any token in exchange for $BANK.
To help users have the best experience, 1inch whitelisted the BANK token for us. It’s now possible to trade BANK without manually adding the token address.
Creation of BanklessDAO Governance Lesson
We’ve created a Governance lesson to educate the web3 space on the topic. This also serves the purpose of being an Onboarding Tool for BanklessDAO. The launch is programmed for the first week of Season 6.
Approval of our Optimism Grant Proposal with 95,75% support
During Season 6, we’ll build our Layer 2 Lesson thanks to Optimism.
Approved as a verified project on GIVETH
We’re LIVE on the platform receiving donations.
S5 Lesson Completions: 992 (considering August, September, mid-October)
We’ve reached a total of 14,836 lesson completions to date.
Earned media exposure for the Bankless Brand through collaborations with 1inch and humanDAO
The Bankless ecosystem as a whole has gained significant exposure thanks to the audience reach of our partners.
Real Life Use Case by the University of De Haag, The Netherlands
Students of the Blockchain Minor Course have actively taken our lessons during their classes. For Season 6, we’ll be working on more activities together. These include Guest Lectures, Twitter Spaces, Feedback Cohorts, and Level Up Learning Sessions.
Our stats reflect the growth of the project, with Explorers visiting us from the following territories:
Grown our Online Community on gm.xyz and Twitter
- gm.xyz: 944 Explorers, +169% growth
- Twitter: 2,927 Explorers, +30% growth
- More than +190K impressions from August 7th until today, October 14th, 2022.
Website Upgrade
We have launched a new look & feel for the Explore Lessons homepage with the following upgrades:
indicate when a lesson has been completed, you can directly join the Community discussion for each one
- Each lesson now indicates whether it has been completed or not.
- The Discussion button takes you directly to the Explorer Community for that specific lesson on gm.xyz.
- The Review/Resume lesson button takes you to where you left off on that specific lesson.
Our focus for Season 6 will be on the following:
- Optimisation of content pipeline/team to allow for faster lesson production.
- Creation of Feedback Cohorts
- Identifying and Defining our Community through User Research
- Creation and/or Launch of three new Academy Curriculum lessons and one Onboarding lesson for BanklessDAO:
- Blockchains Layer 1
- Blockchains Layer 2
- Going Bankless
- BanklessDAO Onboarding/Governance Lesson
- Onboarding a new white-label partner
- Onboarding a new Sponsor and/or receiving support from Grants
- Bankless Academy LIVE Education Experience
- Create a dashboard containing more detailed metrics
- Allow users to subscribe to upcoming lessons
Proposed Key Performance Indicators
Whitelabel or Grants Requests Approved
- Current: 1 New Grant Request Approved by Optimism Foundation (S5 Goal: 1 )
- S6 Goal: 1 New White-label Partner or Grant Request Approved
Lesson Completions
- Current: 14,830 as of October 14th, 2022 (S5 Goal: 14,006 )
- Season 6 Lesson Goal: Increase our monthly lesson completion average by 20% to 400,
based on the 6-month average. Current average: 333 lessons per/month.
Salaried Roles
Lead Developer @ 20h/week
Lead Designer + Biz Dev @ 20h/week
Content Director @ 20h/week
Community Manager + Marketing @ 20h/week
Total Role Funding
80 hours / week x 13 weeks x 1000 BANK / hour = 1,040,000 BANK
Tools & Fixed Costs
Web Hosting (Vercel), database (Digital Ocean), Zoom, Tally, Descript, Grammarly, newsletter.
60,000 BANK
BanklessDAO Native Team Building - Bountied Tasks
User Research 120,000 BANK
Illustration 100,000 BANK
Content Editing 110,000 BANK
Total Estimation for S6
1,430,000 BANK
- Yes
- No, will comment on my reasons below.
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