Bankless Africa Mid-season update & Supplementary Budget

Author : @thinkDecade
Date Posted : 08-09-2022


Bankless Africa is requesting a supplementary budget of 418,000 BANK to augment its season 5 activities and bootstrap some key initiatives in the community.


Bankless Africa continues to grow at an astounding rate. At the beginning of this season, we launched Pidgin Parlour. An elaborate way of bringing web3 education and culture to over 75 million Africans.

What makes this critical?
Ranging between 1000 to 2000 languages on the continent, Africa is home to an estimated one-third of the world’s languages. With this, at least 75 languages in Africa have more than one million speakers, with the rest having hundreds to several hundred thousand speakers. Primarily, most of these languages are oral with little available in written form. This presents an interesting challenge to Bankless Africa in terms of reaching the critical masses with the Bankless mission and vision. Since the launch of Bankless Africa, this has been a challenge we have been heads down trying to find potential solutions to.

How do we bring truly bankless education and culture to the most culturally diverse place in the world where most of its languages are not written but spoken?

Well, we speak.:joy::tada::100:

Creating a content machinery via audio/visual
Again, the languages are spoken here, hence the most effective way for the crypto/web3 message, education, and culture to reach the critical masses is for us to create systems/platforms that deliver through mostly spoken formats. With the growth rate of the podcast, we intend to create more audio/video systems for content distribution.(more on this in a later post).

Pidgin Parlour is a monumental step for Bankless Africa. Local languages have been unlocked🔓.

On partnerships & leads

Over the past 2 months, Bankless Africa has been approached by more than 5 web3 entities looking to partner in order to leverage the community and our media machinery to help facilitate publicity about their product across Africa. This has called for the need to have a serious marketing group to start helping out with converting some of these leads into potential paying partners for some of the services/values that the community offers.

On governance

What do a growing web3 community & the Warhammer 40000 multiverse have in common? :face_vomiting:
answer> chaos, a lot of it actually. Bankless Africa is suffering its fair share of this. Currently and urgently, there’s a need for a lot of work in overhauling various aspects of the community, from incentives to organisational structure, etc etc. Am actually calling out to all governance folks who can spare the time to come help out.

The Tech Workgroup

Bankless Africa is home to a lot of design, audio/visual talents that are helping with backend and key tech activities for the community. E.g website(upgrade still on going), password management, etc.


Pidgin Parlour will be mostly audio/visual based in terms of the way content will be created and distributed. As such, we are launching the Pidgin Parlour Podcast. A crypto/web3 podcast targeting the 75 million speakers of pidgin in Africa and some parts of the world. But this is heavily focused on Africa. We believe this approach is mostly the first of its kind on this scale.

The Pidgin Parlour is also opening its doors to translation opportunities across the crypto ecosystem. We might also join or partner with the international media node as the first official African language on the list of the IMN and bDAO translators guild.

Roles hr/week month season
Pidgin Parlour facilitator 3 12000 24000
Pidgin Parlour bounty pool(social media, project building etc) 50,000
Podcast details
Host 2 8000 16000
Producer 2 8000 16000
Research 2 8000 16000
Audio editing 3 12000 24000
Pidgin parlour marketing. 2 8000 16000
Ops 3 12000 24000
Designer 2 8000 16000
Writer 2 8000 16000
Tools,Software & miscellaneous(equip hosts with some basic tools like mic, etc to get started) 50,000
Pidgin parlour total 268,000

Mission & Value Alignment

The next 1 billion crypto/web3 users will come from frontier lands. And Bankless Africa is literally on those lands ensuring this becomes possible.

Financial Implication

Pidgin Parlour = 268,000 BANK

Bankless Africa marketing = 50,000 BANK

Governance interest group = 50,000 BANK

Tech Support = 50,000 BANK

Total supplementary ask = 418,000 BANK

Next Steps

  1. Launch Pidgin Parlour Podcast
  2. Launch Pidgin Parlour web3DonEnterStreet campaign
  3. Bankless Africa governance interest group
  4. ++ more. :zap::zap:

Thank you for reading, please vote.

  • Approve budget
  • Disapprove budget - add comments, thanks.

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Amazing initiative africa truly is a Continent with mostly languages been spoken and not written, but there’s a particular language that unites, easy to speak, and understandable and that’s Pidgin…LFG!:fire:

I love this!
LFG!!! :fire::fire::fire:

This is really an insightful proposal, taking into consideration the vast population of indiviuals that will be reached with this initiative. This will in turn get a lot of engagements for Web 3 protocols and products as well. I Love it. Kudos to the pioneers of this initiative.


LFG get this​:v::eight_spoked_asterisk:

1 Like

Pidgin is the most accepted language in Africa. This initiative will hasten the growth of the BDAO, as people would understand better. LFG

This is just a fantastic one. Pidgin is the only local language that bound African together, and thats because its easy to understand. Nice initiative. LFG🚀

This is great​:sparkles::sparkles:… Pidgin is a major language in Africa ….once this is approved it’s content can boast a sense of familiarity to the African community and culture.

It’s a very good idea, I support this

Will this consider/cater for some small size meetups?